Tom Lubnau
Latest from Tom Lubnau
Tom Lubnau: Wayne Newton, Up Close And Personal – An Evening Well Spent
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "I must admit that my reaction to the possibility of seeing Mr. Newton was a resounding 'Meh!' But that vanished within a minute of him taking the stage."
Tom LubnauNovember 27, 2024
Tom Lubnau: A Deeper Dive On The Wyoming Judge's Abortion Analysis
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "In a prior column, I examined the Wyoming district court abortion decision from a high level. Now I’ll look at it on a granular level."
Tom LubnauNovember 21, 2024
Tom Lubnau: The Wyoming Abortion Decision Explained
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Without opining one way or another on the abortion issue itself, examination of the Court’s decision and the reasoning behind the 35-page decision is helpful to understanding this important decision."
Tom LubnauNovember 20, 2024
Tom Lubnau: A Statue Of A Barn Owl Sits On Law Books And the Bible in Cheyenne
Tom Lubnau writes: "The sculpture depicts a barn owl in flight, representing wisdom and the rural roots of these five legislators, the active role they played in Wyoming government, and their foundational belief in the Bible."
Tom LubnauNovember 14, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Unraveling The Mysterious Legislative Majority Leadership Selection Process
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "With recent shifts in Wyoming's political landscape, we may see experience powerful committee chairs replaced by new ones who are more ideologically aligned with the current majority, which could dramatically impact the legislative session."
Tom LubnauNovember 06, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Who Poses The Greatest Threat To Wyoming Jobs This Election?
Tom Lubnau writes, "The rallying-cry this campaign has been to cut the budget. Cutting the budget in Wyoming means cutting jobs. Dollars in Wyoming equal jobs. So, if the Legislature is serious about making meaningful cuts in the state budget, it is going to have to fire people."
Tom LubnauOctober 30, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Weston County Commissioners Can’t Ignore The U.S. Constitution
Tom Lubnau writes, "By demanding one representative and senator per county, Weston County is demanding 15 times the voting power for each of its citizens than they want to afford to the citizens of Laramie County. "
Tom LubnauOctober 22, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Sometimes Wyoming Urban Legends Are True
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said a few weeks ago, 'Yes, they can control the weather. It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.' The Greene weather discussion prompted thoughts of Wyoming-based conspiracy theories. Of the many out there, three come to mind."
Tom LubnauOctober 16, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Wyoming Politics Has Been Californicated, And We Are Worse Off For It
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "The crystal ball of political future does not bode well for Wyoming politics being local. Chuck Gray and the Freedom Caucus proved high dollar out-of-state style politics wins elections in Wyoming."
Tom LubnauOctober 09, 2024
Tom Lubnau: A Celebration of the Life of Bruce Hauser and Sawmill Creek Band
Tom Lubnau writes, "We sought out Sawmill Creek in the Cowboy Saloon, Boot Hill, Cassie’s, the Sheridan Inn, the Beacon Club and the Fort. They played so often at the Million Dollar Cowboy Bar, if you put your ear up to pine knot in the bar, you heard a Sawmill Creek song."
Tom LubnauOctober 02, 2024
Tom Lubnau: How Sloppy Writing Cripples Wyoming’s New Abortion Law, Part 2
Tom Lubnau writes: "When these statutes reach the courts, as they already have, you will hear legislators claim it is 'activist judges' who are asking hard questions about these statutes. The truth is these legislators did not pass cogent laws."
Tom LubnauSeptember 25, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Regarding The New Abortion Law's Word Salads, Part One
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes: "While abortions are illegal in Wyoming, the statute contains eight or nine exceptions. But those are so messily worded it is hard for a doctor to interpret them. Which in real time, can have serious consequences."
Tom LubnauSeptember 18, 2024
Tom Lubnau: The Breakup Of The Mountain West Is A Symptom Of A Large Disease
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes: "While it is understandable these schools are jumping from the conference for a bigger payday, it is sad. With the worship of the dollar, we are seeing things more important than money start to vanish – competition, rivalry, loyalty and tradition. And we are worse off for it."
Tom LubnauSeptember 12, 2024
Tom Lubnau: A Great Evening In The Black Hills With Starship And Marshall Tucker
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "The surprise of the concert was the ability of 86-year-old David Baldwin to hit all the high notes in the song 'Jane' – a song he wrote. His voice was strong and backup vocals and harmonies tight."
Tom LubnauSeptember 12, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Give The Freedom Caucus The Benefit Of The Doubt
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes: "I have learned to trust the collective wisdom of the Wyoming voters. They are the carny operating the ride. I may not understand why the voters made their choices, but I have learned there is a level of wisdom behind the voter’s choice, and to search for what that wisdom is."
Tom LubnauSeptember 04, 2024
Tom Lubnau: How To Spot Artificial Intelligence Bots And Paid Political Operatives On Social Media
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Social media is full of cowardly trolls who set up fake profiles and comment, seemingly anonymously, to say what they don’t have the courage to say in person."
Tom LubnauAugust 28, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Identifying The Techniques Politicians Use To Dodge Tough Questions
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Since the primary election is over, we should evaluate the political deflection techniques used by candidates in the heat of the election. A deflection technique is a way to redirect attention away from the real topic."
Tom LubnauAugust 21, 2024
Tom Lubnau: The Season Of The Absurd Campaign Advertisement Is Upon Us
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Perhaps the most extreme example of the outrageous campaigning is calling House Speaker Albert Sommers a Chinese Communist."
Tom LubnauAugust 14, 2024
Tom Lubnau: If We Vote For Candidates In Bed With Liars, We Get What We Deserve
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Candidates who remain silent while knowing lies are perpetuated about their opposition are committing lies of omission. They do not care about the integrity of the system. They do not care about truth. They only care about power."
Tom LubnauAugust 07, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Let's Step Up For The Men And Women From Wyoming Serving Overseas
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "For the first time since the Korean War, the entire 2-300 Field Artillery Brigade of the Wyoming National Guard is deploying overseas. What can we do to deserve their service?"
Tom LubnauJuly 31, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Once Upon A Time, The Wyoming Republican Party Organization Had Integrity
Cowboy State Daily columnist and former Wyoming Speaker of the House Tom Lubnau writes, "Once upon a time, the Wyoming Republican Party Organization had integrity. These days, not so much."
Tom LubnauJuly 29, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Why Are We At Each Other Throats These Days?
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "In an episode of Twilight Zone entitled “The Monsters are Due on Maple Street”, Rod Serling creates a mirror of society in 2024. Serling’s insight into the human personality is insightful and somewhat terrifying, even by today’s standards."
Tom LubnauJuly 24, 2024
Tom Lubnau: When Scientific Model Is Criticized, Keep Model And Change The Name!
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Climate modeling used by policy makers in Washington, D.C. does not reflect reality. As a result, the environmental policy espoused by the government has little touch with the real world."
Tom LubnauJuly 17, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Out-Of-State Money Flooding Into Wyoming To Influence Elections
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, " It’s funny, a disproportionate number of candidates who are endorsed by these out of state groups have only lived in Wyoming a couple years."
Tom LubnauJuly 10, 2024
Tom Lubnau: How The Supreme Court Changed UW Athletics, And What We Can Do To Help
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "For University of Wyoming athletics to remain competitive, robust funding for the NIL program is necessary. UW competes with universities who have no problem raising hundreds of thousands of dollars for their student athletes."
Tom LubnauJuly 03, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Catching Up With Michael DeGreve
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Losing Michael DeGreve at the Hitching Post was a great loss to Wyoming’s history and culture. Now, we have an opportunity to hear Michael again as his first professional recording is being reissued."
Tom LubnauJune 26, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Wyoming's Future -- Diversification Or Destitution?
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "McCreary County, Kentucky, is a place where over 50% of the land and minerals are controlled by the federal government and the primary industry was fossil fuels. They have a lot of parallels to Wyoming. "
Tom LubnauJune 19, 2024
Tom Lubnau: How Does Wyoming Judicial Selection Protect Against A Political Judiciary?
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "A long time ago, Wyoming set up a process to establish an independent and non-political judiciary. Other states are not so lucky."
Tom LubnauJune 12, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Who Are The Boots In The Ground Behind Wyoming Gun Owners, Inc.?
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Even though Federal Court has allowed WYGO to keep names of their donors secret, knowing more about WYGO might be helpful to discerning voters wanting to make informed choices about candidates."
Tom LubnauJune 05, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Wyoming Tactical Rifle Championship – A Hidden Wyoming Gem
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "One of the most intense competitions of skill, concentration and physical ability will take place on the Wyoming-Montana Border in mid-July. Thirty teams will compete in the Wyoming Tactical Rifle Championship."
Tom LubnauMay 29, 2024
Tom Lubnau: School Of Energy Resources – A Wyoming Success Story
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "In 2006, the State of Wyoming and the University of Wyoming collaborated to create a one-of-a-kind school, dedicated to enhancing the Wyoming economy. It offers one of the fastest growing bachelor's degrees to train graduates to work in energy development."
Tom LubnauMay 22, 2024
Tom Lubnau: The Day A Camel Met A Bronc Who Went On To Become The Pirate
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "On a rainy Friday night in 1976, the Gillette Camels met the Cody Broncs on the football field. On the Bronc sidelines was a sophomore linebacker named Mike Leach who went on to become one of the greatest football coaches in history."
Tom LubnauMay 16, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Anonymous Websites and Rating Services
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "It takes a particular brand of arrogance to hide behind the cloak of secrecy, and tell people in Wyoming which candidates have 'integrity' or can call themselves 'Republicans.'"
Tom LubnauMay 11, 2024
Tom Lubnau: What It Takes To Be A Successful Legislator – Thoughts From A Leader
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "In his 2011 address to the Wyoming Legislature, Speaker Pro Tempore Keith Gingery explained the skills it takes to be a good legislator. Keith has graciously given his permission to share these thoughts."
Tom LubnauMay 08, 2024
Tom Lubnau: State Level Political Risks
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Many of our state-level policy makers continue to shoot our state in the foot. The quest for power has gotten in the way of a stable climate necessary to attract outside investment."
Tom LubnauMay 01, 2024
Tom Lubnau: EPA Increases Wyoming Industry Political Risk, Again
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, ""On Thursday, the EPA announced all coal-fired power plants must be shuttered by 2032, or be converted to gas and shuttered by 2039. But, fossil fuel driven power plants can add carbon sequestration facilities and stay open."
Tom LubnauApril 25, 2024
Tom Lubnau: The Fetterman Battle – Lessons For Our Times
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Before one barges in and arrogantly starts telling people how to do things, one must develop an understanding of why things are the way they are."
Tom LubnauApril 17, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Wyomingite Changed Japanese Economy, Saved U.S. Car Industry
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Powell's W. Edwards Deming was one of the great business thinkers of the twentieth century. He developed a business process which known as Total Quality Management which changed the Japanese economy and saved the U.S. car industry."
Tom LubnauApril 10, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Choosing Our Media Sources
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "These days, if one media outfit says the sky is blue, the other media outlet will say the sky is red. Every day, with every media story, we obtain different information based on our confirmation bias."
Tom LubnauApril 03, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Why Did The Senate Pass A Gun Bill It Knew Was Defective?
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Why, on such an important issue, did the Senate shirk its duties to pass the best bill forward to the governor? Why did the Senate want to force the governor to veto the Gun Free Zones bill?"
Tom LubnauMarch 27, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Can Someone Be Against Gun Free Zones, And Against A Poorly Written Bill?
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "For some readers, only the bill title, 'Gun Free Zones' is enough to garner support. For those folks who don’t care about the language of the bill, don’t waste your time reading why the bill had some defects. If you are interested in why the bill was vetoed, read further."
Tom LubnauMarch 26, 2024
Tom Lubnau: The Headline For Failure -- The Wyoming Republican Party
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "the Wyoming Republican Party, with its supermajority, starts to do funny things. The Party starts to eat its own. Conservatives are not conservative enough. Republicans are not Republican enough. Factions and interest groups start to form within the Party."
Tom LubnauMarch 20, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Analyzing The Anonymous Mailers Attacking Chuck Gray
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "According to the Wyoming Campaign Finance Information website, Jan Charles Gray donated a total of $700,000 to Chuck Gray’s campaign. It is fair to say that Chuck Gray’s dad financed 96% of Gray’s campaign."
Tom LubnauMarch 13, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Budget Conference Negotiations – What Has Happened So Far
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "The House and Senate Committees ended up a mere $900 million dollars apart. The House said, in essence, Senate we don’t think we can make a deal with you. We’ve waited four days for a proposal, and this is the best you can do. We’re done."
Tom LubnauMarch 05, 2024
Tom Lubnau: The Dunning Kruger Effect – Or Why People Who Know Nothing Think They're Experts
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Have you ever watched someone stand in the middle of a room, give a speech on a topic with absolute confidence, and be completely wrong?"
Tom LubnauMarch 05, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Homeschool Enrollments Are Up While Public School Enrollments Are Down
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "If there are defects in our system of education, they should be adjusted. If the trend is away from a free and public education, our policy makers should examine why people want to educate their children at home."
Tom LubnauFebruary 28, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Statistics Don't Lie -- Young People Are Fleeing Wyoming
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "What is it about our state that is driving the young away, and attracting the old? Lack of opportunity? Lack of healthcare options? State policies that attracts older people while driving away younger people?"
Tom LubnauFebruary 28, 2024
Explaining The Legislature: How The State Of Wyoming Develops A Budget
Columnist, and former Speaker of the House Tom Lubnau discusses the process for how the State of Wyoming develops a budget -- from the agencies to the governor to the legislature. Wyoming is required, by constitution, to have a balanced budget.
Tom LubnauFebruary 23, 2024
Explaining The Legislature: Bill Trading Is A Felony In Wyoming & Accusations Are A Big Deal
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Nothing justifies accusing someone of a constitutional crime as a political tool. Wyoming is not Washington, D.C. and all our legislators, including my old neighbor, should keep it from becoming a D.C. train wreck."
Tom LubnauFebruary 21, 2024
Tom Lubnau: How Wyoming's Tax Structure Works
Guest columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "To be able to judge political campaign rhetoric, it is important for all Wyoming voters to understand how Wyoming’s tax structure works, and the consequences of different political options."
Tom LubnauFebruary 19, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Legislating Private Parts Is Popular This Legislative Session
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "One has to be curious whether there is a public demand for the legislature to regulate private parts, or whether legislators are simply creating straw issues upon which to campaign."
Tom LubnauFebruary 13, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Popular Terms Used By The Wyoming Freedom Caucus
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "With the legislative session soon upon us, I thought I would provide a translation of the terms used by the Wyoming Freedom Caucus in their attempt to create an 'Us vs Them' strategy."
Tom LubnauFebruary 09, 2024
Tom Lubnau: No Thanks, Sec. Gray. We Don't Need Your "Help"
Guest columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "No matter how good Secretary of State Chuck Gray's intentions are, he should not take short cuts that deal with our fundamental rights. We did not elect an Election King."
Tom LubnauJanuary 29, 2024
Tom Lubnau: Like It Or Not, Wyoming Depends On Federal Money
Guest columnist Tom Lubnau writes, “We are at a crossroads in our state. We must insist on thoughtful analytical folks with discernment to make our policy decisions. If we settle for slogans, we are going to get our private parts sucked into a toilet at 34,000 feet.”
Tom LubnauJanuary 09, 2024
Tom Lubnau: No One Wants To Starve Children, Eat Humans, Or Steal Your Firearms
Former Speaker of the House Tom Lubnau writes: "Soon, well see bills to have the State of Wyoming issue a Colt 1910 to every newborn. If a candidate opposes that bill, theyll be called gun grabbers."
Tom LubnauAugust 08, 2022
Lubnau, Gee: Biden Administration’s Plan To Seize Your Family’s Wealth
The Biden Administration, and their friends in Congress, have concocted a plan, using the complexities of the tax code to seize your familys wealth in just a couple of generations.
Tom LubnauAugust 06, 2021
Tom Lubnau: Alright, Wyoming, Let’s Cut The Franchise Quarterback For Throwing One Interception
Former Wyoming House Speaker Tom Lubnau writes: "I do not agree with Cheney's decision to support impeachment. But, I urge my friends and neighbors to be slow to toss her to the sidelines. Out of tens of thousands of decisions, we dont like one."
Tom LubnauFebruary 02, 2021