Chris Navarro
Latest from Chris Navarro

Chris Navarro: Flying Blind — The Scariest Moment Of My Life
Guest columnist Chris Navarro writes: "As my plane left the end of the runway, I noticed the sun was setting and it was starting to get dark. I was climbing out to 9,500 feet. Fifteen minutes into the flight, I was in total darkness. I could not see the ground and the visibility was zero."
Chris NavarroMarch 29, 2022

Chris Navarro: Woke Bureaucrats Need To Leave My Street “Squaw Creek Road” Alone
Guest columnist Chris Navarro writes: "I have lived, worked, and raised my family on Squaw Creek Rd. in Casper, for over 35 years. Now a few woke bureaucrats in Washington have decided that the place I have lived & called home needs a new name."
Chris NavarroMarch 06, 2022