Cassie Craven:  We Need More Guns, Not Fewer

Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “This isn’t about deer or prepping. This is about free and not. Life or death. Liberty or imprisonment. Eutopia will not come with more ‘gun control.’”

Cassie Craven

September 08, 20244 min read

Cassie craven 8 22 24

After the school shooting in Georgia this week, Democrats discuss gun control once again. 

Vice President Kamala Harris called for action while remaining silent on armed Venezuelan migrant gangs taking over Colorado, and now present even in Wyoming.

 According to media reports, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro's regime has chosen not to cooperate with deportation requests as of February while a local investigator’s report says a “violent transnational gang from Venezuela allegedly first gained a ‘stranglehold’ on an apartment complex in Aurora, Colorado late last year.”

While it seems we are being eaten alive from the outside in, we are doing a fair job of the same from the inside out. 

A 14-year-old boy, investigated by the FBI last year, killed four people in a school shooting in Georgia last week. 

The FBI looked into the Apalachee shooter in 2023 during the course of an investigation regarding online threats. 

In May of 2023, the FBI’s National Threat Operations Center received anonymous tips about a possible school shooting. The boy denied it. 

The father stated he had hunting guns in the house but said the boy had no access to them. 

The FBI took no substantive action. This seems to be a common theme amongst school shootings from Buffalo to Denver. But let’s raid pro-life advocate homes because they’re “domestic terrorists”…

We have many ex-military veterans across the country. Why is it that every door in every school is not armed by someone who knows what they are doing? 

As a country, and as a state, we refuse to protect our most vulnerable in a “gun-free zone,” where only the bad guys carry guns and the rest of us gather like sheep waiting to die.

They don’t want to solve the problem because the political ramifications are greater and more valuable to them than solving the problem. Every government in the history of the world that has banned guns seems to result in mass tyranny, genocide or terror. 

The Second Amendment is not about hunting. We should have the ability to be armed as a population in the same way as the government. It is a balance of power, plain and simple. 

Read your history and understand where the Framers were coming from. This isn’t about deer or prepping. 

This is about free and not. Life or death. Liberty or imprisonment. Eutopia will not come with more “gun control.”

The antidote is not gun “control.” The antidote is common sense. The people who run this country should not be OK with kids being murdered like helpless sheep with nobody there to protect them.

Why does the left only care about kids when it is convenient? They can be masked, immunized, and mutilated, but now when it is convenient they care? What about the nine kids shot and killed in Chicago on July 4? No national press coverage there. Ain’t it strange.  

Gun-loving Wyoming is not immune. The Wyoming Chapter of Everytown for Gun Safety and the Wyoming Democratic Party called on Governor Gordon to veto HB 125 to eliminate gun-free zones. And he did it.

Gov. Gordon claimed it eroded historic local control norms. Key word – “control.” 

The President of the Wyoming Education Association praised the veto of passed law to WyoFile, stating, “Our members expressed grave concerns about the danger it would pose to students to legalize the concealed carry of deadly firearms in our public schools. Guns have no place in Wyoming schools. Period.”

Now, we know guns can and will find their way into schools. But only in the hands of bad guys who break the law. Meanwhile, our most vulnerable are an open target.

The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. When history disarms a population, the resistance is murdered. The innocent are subject to tyranny. We need more guns and more safety. Not less.



Cassie Craven
