Cowboy State Daily Video News: Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thursday's headlines include: * Grand Teton Mauling Ended When Grizzly Chomped On Bear Spray * Huge 1.2 Million-Panel Wyoming Solar Farm Gets Green Light To Build * ‘Hogs For Hope’ Rally For Tortured Wolf Rolls Into Green River This Weekend

Wendy Corr

May 23, 20246 min read

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It’s time to take a look at what’s happening around Wyoming! I’m Wendy Corr, bringing you headlines from the Cowboy State Daily newsroom, for Thursday, May 23rd.

The out-of-state man who was mauled by a mother grizzly in Wyoming’s Grand Teton National Park on Sunday apparently had a phenomenal stroke of luck when the apex predator essentially bear-sprayed itself.

Park service officials told outdoors reporter Mark Heinz that the 35-year-old Massachusetts man did everything right, including pulling out his readily-available can of bear spray when he rounded a corner and came face to face with a bear cub and its protective mama.

“So he did what you're supposed to do. He got down flat on his belly, interlaced his fingers behind the back of his neck… The bear spray was apparently still hooked to one of his fingers, and the bear got to biting him and at some point she bit into that can of bear spray and the can burst in her face, and she and the cub took off… I did talk to a couple of pretty hardcore outdoor people who spend a lot of time in grizzly country. They said that's a new one… We've never heard of an attack being stopped by a bear spraying itself.”  

The man, who was not identified by the Park Service, was released from the hospital Monday and is expected to recover fully from his injuries.

The largest solar power project in Wyoming — a $1.2 billion, 1.2-million panel farm -- was given the green light Tuesday to start building. 

Cowboy State Daily’s Pat Maio reports that the 771-megawatt solar farm will be built by Canadian energy giant Enbridge, and will supply electricity to data centers which will be built in south Cheyenne.

“Enbridge has gotten the green light on construction. I mean, it still has these little minor ones that it has to deal with, like, the air permit, which is usually pretty easy for a solar farm, but the construction permit is huge. And it's going to be a huge bill that they're gonna have to pay to build this - but… they have big customers, Meta and Microsoft.”

The solar power facility will generate enough electricity to light up more than 771,000 homes, more than in all of Wyoming.

A Gillette atheist who lost a lawsuit over prayers before public meetings is now suing to put the atheist 21 Rules alongside a 10 Commandments monument in a local park. Bruce Williams and the Hypatian Society, which is a religious or charitable “church” he co-founded, are also demanding about $240 million in damages in a federal lawsuit filed Monday in the U.S. District Court for Wyoming, according to Cowboy State Daily’s Clair McFarland.

“In his past state level lawsuit, Williams was complaining that he doesn't get a proportionate number of invocations at public meetings in Gillette… But he added a new complaint saying, you guys have this Ten Commandments monument in city park, and it … infuriates that Williams doesn't get to put up his 21 Rules associated with his atheist organization he co-founded that he calls a church.”

Willaims lost his prior state-level lawsuit and appeal against city officials — which presented other but similar complaints — because the city has sovereign immunity from being sued on his claims.

Sixteen members of the Wyoming Freedom Caucus believe Wyoming has to make a swift, decisive response in fighting a new BLM rule issued last week that would end coal production in Wyoming's energy-rich Powder River Basin by 2041.

The Freedom Caucus describes the new BLM rule as part “of the Biden administration’s anti-American, anti-energy ‘climate crisis’ agenda.” That’s according to politics reporter Leo Wolfson.

“They believe he waited too long with a prior coal dispute involving a port in Washington that Wyoming was going to try to use for its coal production. The State of Washington blocked this at the time and it resulted in an eventual lawsuit. But that lawsuit was eventually rejected in 2021 by the US Supreme Court, likely because it had been filed too late.” 

Gordon, who did speak vehemently against the coal rule when it was announced last week, has already said he’s having Attorney General Bridget Hill pursue legal options to challenge it.

When the Hogs for Hope motorcycle rally rolls into Green River on Saturday in honor of a wolf that was tortured and killed in Daniel, it will be warmly welcomed at the local Harley-Davidson dealership, which is sponsoring an opening event that afternoon.

The rally and associated fundraiser is being organized by social media influencer and dog trainer Jonas Black, and Cowboy State Daily’s Mark Heinz reports that they are expecting quite a crowd.

“Nobody's really sure how big the crowd’s going to be. It sounds as if, just judging by the social media chatter and how things seem to be going, it's probably going to be quite a large crowd of bikers.… I also spoke with the Sublette County Sheriff's Office and the Wyoming Highway Patrol. They're not anticipating any trouble, this group has advertised itself as a peaceful gathering. Law enforcement says okay, well, we hope you stay peaceful- just in case there will be, there will be an added law enforcement presence…. because there's a lot of emotions around this. So just in case.”

The GoFundMe campaign for the Hogs For Hope rally has already raised $100,000 for wildlife conservation.

And that’s today’s news. Get your free digital subscription to Wyoming’s only statewide newspaper by hitting the subscribe button on And don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel! I’m Wendy Corr, for Cowboy State Daily.

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Wendy Corr

Broadcast Media Director