U.S. Senate Unanimously Passes Bill Making Daylight Saving Time Permanent

By a unanimous voice vote, the U.S. Senate voted to discontinue the practice of changing the clock twice a year and make Daylight Saving Time permanent beginning in 2023.

March 16, 20222 min read

Dan laursen 3 15 22
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Here in Wyoming, making Daylight Saving Time permanent has been discussed for years and culminated in the passage of a law two years ago outlining how it could be done in the Equality State.

But today’s action in the U.S. Senate is the first time that serious movement on the issue has been taken on the national level and it could just be the most popular thing the body has done in ages.

By a unanimous voice vote, the U.S. Senate voted to discontinue the practice of changing the clock twice a year and to make Daylight Saving Time permanent beginning in 2023.

The bill has two more hurdles to clear before it can become a law. The House must pass the bill and if it did, then it would go on to President Biden’s desk. It is unclear if he supports the measure.

What that would mean for Wyoming is it would no longer start getting dark at 4pm in December. 

Of course, it would stay darker in the morning hours during the winter months, but the Wyoming Legislature has already signaled its preference for sticking to Daylight Saving time.

Two years ago legislation championed by Rep. Dan Laursen, R-Powell, was passed that would allow the state to observe Daylight Saving Time full-time if surrounding states did the same thing.

Last year he told Cowboy State Daily that he was a tireless advocate of the change being he was tired of the change.

“It’s just so hard on people,” Laursen said. “It’s hard on me, it’s hard on the elderly. Your school kids. It’s hard on your dogs. They want fed and you’re not ready.”

He did acknowledge that the darker hours could be disruptive for schools but there were ways around that.

“It would be darker in the morning longer, but they could change their schedule, they could start at 9,” he said.

More than two-thirds of Americans want to stop the twice-a-year time change, according to a recent poll.

More than 40 states are considering, or have passed legislation, that would eliminate the practice, pending federal legislation.