Heading for Devils Tower in the next week? Get ready for delays.
The National Park Service sent out a reminder Wednesday that because of the annual Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, traffic in the area will increase dramatically.
“Devils Tower will experience a dramatic increase in visitation over the next week during the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. ALL visitors should expect limited services and parking during this time,” the Park Service said.
Even with the coronavirus pandemic, officials are still expecting more than 250,000 people to attend the rally and, as always, the surge affects northeast Wyoming.
The Wyoming Department of Health didn’t have any specific concern over the increase of traffic in Wyoming. A spokesperson said there is risk with any travel and/or event.
“At this point we would have the same concerns as we would for any gathering,” spokesperson Kim Deti said. “The larger the gathering, the greater the risk. Individual should think of their personal risk as well as the risk of spreading disease to others.”
“We recommend the same precautions for this event as we would for any: stay home if you are ill unless you need medical attention, keep a physical distance of at least 6 feet from other people who aren’t in your household, and if physical distancing isn’t reasonable, then wear a cloth face covering consistently over your nose and mouth,” she said.
The Park Service said to be prepared for:
-Long lines and wait times to enter the park.
-No RV parking or turn around space in the visitor center parking area; RVs will be directed to park near the picnic area.
-There will be no visitor shuttle in 2020.
-Limited facilities- bring everything you need with you. Visitor center and campground remain closed.
-No facilities to purchase water or food in the park.