Tom Lubnau
Latest from Tom Lubnau

Tom Lubnau: I'm Addicted To Scrolling, But Bob Newhart Said 'STOPPIT!'
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes: "I had fallen into a destructive habit of surfing the internet instead of doing anything productive. I had to hearken back to the wisdom of comedian Bob Newhart, who bellowed, 'STOPPIT!'"
Tom LubnauMarch 26, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Some Of Wyoming's New, Amazingly Stupid Laws
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes: "How did these bills become law? Legislators who do not want to be labeled as gun grabbers or abortionists chose not to amend them. So we got crappy laws instead."
Tom LubnauMarch 19, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Seeing The Eagles Hits Differently On This Side Of Life
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "My home life in the 1970s was dysfunctional, oftentimes violent. The Eagles’ “Hotel California” struck a chord with me. But seeing that opening number Friday in the Sphere was like putting prescription glasses on for the first time."
Tom LubnauMarch 12, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Actually, The Wyoming Senate Is More Conservative Than The House
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "The Senate did not react well to pressure from mysterious puppet masters. When dealing with the budget the upper chamber instead coalesced into a cohesive body. Leadership agreed to kill the budget, and no one on the Senate floor made a move to overrule Leadership."
Tom LubnauMarch 06, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Wyoming's Constitution Demands Fairer Teacher Pay
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes: "The Legislature has played games with teacher pay. Sometimes lawmakers dole out an increase just for one budget year, so the pay would slump right back down after that year - falling even further behind inflation."
Tom LubnauMarch 02, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Hidden Dark Money Political Operatives Are Trying To Control Wyoming
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "We are seeing slimy mailers from out of state, the same cheesy animation on social media and the editorials demanding the Senate bow to the will of the almighty Freedom Caucus in the House."
Tom LubnauFebruary 26, 2025

Tom Lubnau: If Lawmakers Aren't Being Puppeted By DC, Let Them Show It
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes: "I am calling on all the members of the House to release any written, email or text message documents which indicate Wyoming Freedom Caucus positions on bills. Demonstrate to the public they are doing nothing wrong."
Tom LubnauFebruary 19, 2025

Tom Lubnau: The Freedom Caucus Unleashes Big-Government Control
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Here are five examples of how the Freedom Caucus is less about freedom, and more about 'being the boss of you.'"
Tom LubnauFebruary 16, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Wyoming House Leadership – Promises Made, Promises Broken
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "95 bills died in the Speaker’s drawer – bills that were created at the request of constituents to be considered by the Wyoming legislature. Speaker Neiman substituted his judgment for the wisdom of the entire body."
Tom LubnauFebruary 12, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Freedom Caucus’ Policies Enticing For Bad Actors
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes: “In the desperate pursuit of their agenda, the Freedom Caucus is inadvertently creating the perfect environment for extremist activities. Imagine this fictional scenario…”
Tom LubnauFebruary 05, 2025

Tom Lubnau: The Wyoming House Needs To Think, Not Grandstand
Tom Lubnau writes, "The consequences of House Bill 164 are stunning. If a doctor injects a dementia patient with a muscle paralyzer with the intent of paralyzing the patient’s lungs so they can’t breathe and they die, the doctor can’t lose his job or lose his license for killing patients. It's euthanasia legalized."
Tom LubnauJanuary 29, 2025

Tom Lubnau: This Year’s Abortions Bills Are More Political Theater
Tom Lubnau writes, "These bills are not about abortion, but about creating election issues - again. Anyone who speaks against the stupidity of these bills will see slanderous videos and flyers flooding every inbox, labeling them abortionists.”
Tom LubnauJanuary 27, 2025

Tom Lubnau: The Legislature's Odd Maneuvers Look Like Political Theater
Tom Lubnau writes, "It seems like the legislature is scrambling to create campaign issues on hot-button topics rather than solving problems for run of the mill folks."
Tom LubnauJanuary 22, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Short-Sighted Bills Have Us Barreling Toward A Wyoming Income Tax
Tom Lubnau writes, "The Legislature is looking at 'backfilling' property tax cuts with state savings and funds from taxpayers. The reason it's 'backfilling' is because some lawmakers do not want to bear the consequences of their decisions."
Tom LubnauJanuary 18, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Electing An Attorney General Is A Horrible Idea.
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "House Bill 102, sponsored by many members of the Freedom Caucus, proposes the attorney general become an elected official. This horrible piece of legislation should die an early death, never to be seen, again."
Tom LubnauJanuary 15, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Legislative Leaders Must Race The Clock To Pass Good Laws
Tom Lubnau writes, "Estimated at a conservative figure of 300 bills introduced, one gets a grand total of 18.6 minutes per bill of time available for debate on each bill. That is precious little time to consider multi-page laws that will be placed on our books affecting our individual rights."
Tom LubnauJanuary 08, 2025

Tom Lubnau: I Predict The Uprising Of Straw Villains In 2025
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "To retain their power, the new folks will have to cast themselves as heroes trying to vanquish some feigned evil. I predict 2025 is going to be the year of the imaginary straw man villain."
Tom LubnauJanuary 01, 2025

Tom Lubnau: Understanding Where Your Property Tax Dollars Go.
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "With property tax relief the centerpiece of political gamesmanship this year, we should all understand how the property tax system works."
Tom LubnauDecember 25, 2024

Tom Lubnau: An Amazing Secret Petroglyph Shows Summer Is Coming
At a secret spot in Wyoming at sunrise on the winter solstice an amazing thing happens. When the sun just crests over the horizon, the sunlight points to a spot on a native American petroglyph which shows the days will start getting longer.
Tom LubnauDecember 19, 2024

Tom Lubnau: Military Academy Candidate Interviews Were An Inspiration
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Last weekend, I had the great pleasure of serving on the military academy interview committee. The committee interviewed 21 young people seeking to get a nomination to a military academy. Those 21 young adults were a true inspiration."
Tom LubnauDecember 11, 2024

Tom Lubnau: The Wyoming House Stalling Committee Appointments Is A Bad Idea
Tom Lubnau writes: "The Speaker of the House should appoint committees based on the strengths of his members, not some perceived fear of what the Senate might do. The Senate is going to do what the Senate does, and they don’t give a damn what the House thinks."
Tom LubnauDecember 05, 2024

Tom Lubnau: Wayne Newton, Up Close And Personal – An Evening Well Spent
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "I must admit that my reaction to the possibility of seeing Mr. Newton was a resounding 'Meh!' But that vanished within a minute of him taking the stage."
Tom LubnauNovember 27, 2024

Tom Lubnau: A Deeper Dive On The Wyoming Judge's Abortion Analysis
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "In a prior column, I examined the Wyoming district court abortion decision from a high level. Now I’ll look at it on a granular level."
Tom LubnauNovember 21, 2024

Tom Lubnau: The Wyoming Abortion Decision Explained
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Without opining one way or another on the abortion issue itself, examination of the Court’s decision and the reasoning behind the 35-page decision is helpful to understanding this important decision."
Tom LubnauNovember 20, 2024

Tom Lubnau: A Statue Of A Barn Owl Sits On Law Books And the Bible in Cheyenne
Tom Lubnau writes: "The sculpture depicts a barn owl in flight, representing wisdom and the rural roots of these five legislators, the active role they played in Wyoming government, and their foundational belief in the Bible."
Tom LubnauNovember 14, 2024

Tom Lubnau: Unraveling The Mysterious Legislative Majority Leadership Selection Process
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "With recent shifts in Wyoming's political landscape, we may see experience powerful committee chairs replaced by new ones who are more ideologically aligned with the current majority, which could dramatically impact the legislative session."
Tom LubnauNovember 06, 2024

Tom Lubnau: Who Poses The Greatest Threat To Wyoming Jobs This Election?
Tom Lubnau writes, "The rallying-cry this campaign has been to cut the budget. Cutting the budget in Wyoming means cutting jobs. Dollars in Wyoming equal jobs. So, if the Legislature is serious about making meaningful cuts in the state budget, it is going to have to fire people."
Tom LubnauOctober 30, 2024

Tom Lubnau: Weston County Commissioners Can’t Ignore The U.S. Constitution
Tom Lubnau writes, "By demanding one representative and senator per county, Weston County is demanding 15 times the voting power for each of its citizens than they want to afford to the citizens of Laramie County. "
Tom LubnauOctober 22, 2024

Tom Lubnau: Sometimes Wyoming Urban Legends Are True
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene said a few weeks ago, 'Yes, they can control the weather. It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.' The Greene weather discussion prompted thoughts of Wyoming-based conspiracy theories. Of the many out there, three come to mind."
Tom LubnauOctober 16, 2024

Tom Lubnau: Wyoming Politics Has Been Californicated, And We Are Worse Off For It
Columnist Tom Lubnau writes, "The crystal ball of political future does not bode well for Wyoming politics being local. Chuck Gray and the Freedom Caucus proved high dollar out-of-state style politics wins elections in Wyoming."
Tom LubnauOctober 09, 2024