Rep. John Bear
Latest from Rep. John Bear

John Bear: Uniparty's Push For Anti-Conservative Wyoming
Wyoming Rep. John Bear writes, "It was the Speaker’s decision to create an Appropriations Committee consisting only of socially liberal legislators from big cities, and now it appears that the President of the Senate sees some benefit in a Senate Appropriations committee loyal to the Uniparty’s cause as well."
Rep. John BearMay 20, 2023

John Bear: Driskill vs Kinskey -- Hypocrisy, Or Is It?
Rep. John Bear writes, " It may be hypocritical to punish a member of the legislature for attending a meeting virtually when you don’t stand for important roll call votes yourself."
Rep. John BearApril 30, 2023

Rep. John Bear: Property Tax Reform (Or Not) In Wyoming
In a guest column, Rep. John Bear, R-Gillette, argues that the more conservative branch of Republican lawmakers tried to pass long-term tax reform legislation but were continuously blocked by more moderate Republican legislators.
Rep. John BearMarch 14, 2023