Pennie Hunt
Latest from Pennie Hunt

Pennie Hunt: Spring Cleaning Is An Exercise In Release
Pennie Hunt writes: “It began with the junk drawers in the kitchen, then the food pantry, and now I am heart-deep in a storage closet of memories. It is the closet where all the plastic tubs live.”
Pennie HuntMarch 31, 2023

Pennie Hunt: Going On A Giving Spree Much More Fulfilling Than A Spending Spree
Pennie Hunt writes: “What if we … were surrounded by positive people? We deserve to be motivated, encouraged, supported, lifted, surrounded by love, inspired and celebrated. People we love deserve the same.”
Pennie HuntMarch 25, 2023

Pennie Hunt: Life Comes With Turning Lanes
Pennie Hunt writes: “We don’t have to stay in the comfortable circle watching the turns that lead to new roads or adventures fly by us.”
Pennie HuntMarch 18, 2023

Pennie Hunt: Don’t Let One Weakness Stop You
Pennie Hunt writes: I keep this little dictionary in my desk drawer as a reminder. Its a reminder that although my fourth grade success didnt follow me through my life, it didnt stop me from my dreams.
Pennie HuntMarch 11, 2023

Pennie Hunt: Sharing The Chains Of Life
Pennie Hunt writes: She asked if I would teach her, but with every thought, giggle and stitch she was teaching me not to forget the fun in life.
Pennie HuntMarch 09, 2023

Pennie Hunt: We Are All Simple People
Pennie Hunt writes: We spend a lifetime trying to prove that we are somebody. We use our careers and status to help us believe we are, that we have climbed the ladder to the top and have made it far above the simple people. But are we that important? Are we really above anyone?
Pennie HuntFebruary 25, 2023

Pennie Hunt: Love Yourself Enough To Not Ignore The Warning Signs
Pennie Hunt writes: It was melanoma. I have pretty much done everything it said I shouldnt. I remember so many years ago splashing on baby oil to lay in the sun to gain the perfect tan. The years years of water skiing, swimming and hiking. And yes, visits to tanning beds.
Pennie HuntFebruary 19, 2023

Penny Hunt: What’s Love Got To Do With It?
Pennie Hunt writes: Being here in this body on this Earth and at this time is a privilege. Be humbled by the magnitude of it. Do not take anything for granted. Be grateful for every moment, every breath, every experience and every lesson learned."
Pennie HuntFebruary 12, 2023

Pennie Hunt: I Am A Firewalker
Pennie Hunt writes: As I stood at the edge of this path of fire watching others successfully walk through and celebrate at the finish line, I wondered if I had the courage to do it.
Pennie HuntFebruary 06, 2023

Pennie Hunt: What Is Your Value?
Columnist Pennie Hunt writes: Begin telling others today what value they bring to your life. Use words of feelings and emotions. You may be surprised how they will reciprocate by telling you what value you bring to them.
Pennie HuntJanuary 29, 2023

Pennie Hunt: Never Be Afraid To Ask For Help
Pennie Hunt writes: The feelings of cold and isolation can strike at any time. Anger, rejection, betrayal, grief, fear and depression all create feelings of cold and isolation.
Pennie HuntDecember 22, 2022

Pennie Hunt: A Lesson From A Stranger – Or Was She?
Pennie Hunt writes: I believe angels dont have to be hiding wings under a trench coat or dropping feathers with every lesson. I believe angels walk with us through our days and touch our lives right here on Earth teaching us and bringing us simple gifts of truth.
Pennie HuntDecember 11, 2022

Pennie Hunt: Hanging Onto The Top Of The Ladder
Pennie Hunt writes: Unless you or a loved one is touched by Alzheimers it is hard to understand the pain of this disease. I hope you never do.
Pennie HuntDecember 06, 2022

Pennie Hunt: Are You A Number Person Or A Word Person?
Pennie Hunt writes: Word people name everything. My current car is named Ruby. She followed Liberty, Blaze and so many others. My refrigerator is Kevin."
Pennie HuntNovember 24, 2022

Pennie Hunt: Be Careful Where You Hide Your Crumbs
Pennie Hunt writes: In life, we layer our feelings. If someone says something unkind to us, it may hurt our feelings, but we can brush off the little crumbs."
Pennie HuntNovember 11, 2022

Pennie Hunt: Today I Learned A Lesson
Pennie Hunt writes: I wanted to crawl under the covers and begin the day again. I wanted to take back the email. All the positivity I promote and encourage others to do was instantly sucked from my body."
Pennie HuntNovember 03, 2022

Penny Hunt: Do Your Emotions Become Who You Are?
Penny Hunt writes: "Are you sad? Many people are. As I write this, I see a gloomy, cloudy, windy day out my office window. The trees are releasing the last of their beautiful fall leaves and the cold of winter is ready to blow in."
Pennie HuntOctober 27, 2022

Pennie Hunt: Hope Comes In A Jar
Columnist Pennie Hunt writes: "We all need hope to lift our spirits and lighten our hearts. How its delivered to us does not matter."
Pennie HuntSeptember 29, 2022