Karl Brauneis
Latest from Karl Brauneis

Guest Column: The Mountain Pine Beetle And Forest Management
Retired forester Karl Brauneis writes, "The beetle epidemics of today are a direct result of the loss of America's timber industry in the west. The US Forest Service is no longer able to practice pro-active forest management with the absence of a robust timber industry."
Karl BrauneisJanuary 18, 2024

What Happened to America’s Middle Class? An Old Foresters Perspective
Occasional guest columnist Karl Brauneis writes, "The Threatened and Endangered Species Act actually did more for attorneys and environmental elites then it did for the wildlife it was designed to protect. The few got rich while the working men and woman and the forest itself suffered."
Karl BrauneisJanuary 03, 2024

Retired Forester Frustrated With Lack Of Fire-Fighting Common Sense
Environmental activism through the 'Environmental Industrial Complex' short circuits the system and takes management away from resource professionals and shifts it into the hands of the Environmental Elites.
Karl BrauneisOctober 09, 2020