Jonathan Lange
Latest from Jonathan Lange

Jonathan Lange: Our Founders Had School Choice - So Should We
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: The flourishing private schools of yesteryear didn’t close down because of natural market forces – but because every parent who wanted to benefit from private school education had to pay twice. That’s not fair.
Jonathan LangeFebruary 07, 2025

Jonathan Lange: The March For Life Bears Out The Constitution's Vision
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: The March for Life has become the national gathering of a wildly diverse movement. And as I walked through this cacophony, it struck me that this is the genius of American government.
Jonathan LangeFebruary 01, 2025

Jonathan Lange: Every Legislator Should Vote To Protect Wyoming Kids From The Porn Industry
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: "Without age verification safeguards, anyone of any age can access soul-destroying images merely by clicking on a button that says, 'I’m over 18 years old.'"
Jonathan LangeJanuary 24, 2025

Jonathan Lange: It’s Time To End DEI
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: By a sleight of hand, DEI substitutes vague notions of collective guilt for concrete accountability to clear moral principles It keeps us stuck in the past and makes present repentance and forgiveness impossible.
Jonathan LangeJanuary 18, 2025

Jonathan Lange: Don't Zone Out Now That The Legislature Looks Hopeful
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "Citizen involvement in the election brought radical change to Wyoming’s legislature. It shouldn‘t stop there. To convert electoral success into sound legislation, interested citizens need to stay engaged."
Jonathan LangeJanuary 10, 2025

Jonathan Lange: Wyoming Needs To Know What Liz Cheney Did On The J-6 Commission.
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "How is it that Kevin Greeson, a man like me, could go to Washington for a political rally and come home in an urn? It’s a simple question that has enormous implications for the First Amendment."
Jonathan LangeJanuary 03, 2025

Jonathan Lange: Governments Wield Powers Of Death, Not Life
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: "Sunday morning, America woke to the horrific news that a New York criminal had set fire to a woman on the subway and watched her burn to death. If such sickening injustice does not justify the death penalty, what does?"
Jonathan LangeDecember 28, 2024

Jonathan Lange: The Reopening Of Notre Dame Signals Renewed Hope For Our Civilization
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: "Notre Dame’s reopening is a visible sign that the Prince of Peace has not abandoned us for our many sins. The Word of God still has free course. It is preached and available throughout the Christian West. We should not take that for granted."
Jonathan LangeDecember 21, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Lawfare Against Sorority Sisters’ Attorneys Tries To Stifle Debate
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: "In this case, activists have been playing both ends against the middle for years. When it is advantageous they publicize the transgender sorority member's chosen name to the world. But when it is disadvantageous, they censor it and punish those with the temerity to say his name."
Jonathan LangeDecember 14, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Talk Of 'Secondary Sex Characteristics' Endangers Children By Avoiding The Primary Fact
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: While euphemisms and medical sleights of hand can make discussion of “puberty blockers” and “cross-sex hormones” seem almost normal, even the most radical ideologues can’t defend putting children under the knife and cutting off perfectly healthy and normally functioning sex organs.
Jonathan LangeDecember 06, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Governments Should Encourage Worship, But Church Should See It Done
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "Give the government an inch and it will take a mile. One day Congress is 'requesting a recommendation from the president' and the next day the governor is issuing a 'health order' that forbids certain kinds of worship altogether."
Jonathan LangeNovember 30, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Judge Who Struck Down Abortion Bans Resurrects Outdated Law
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: "Prenatal life has constitutional rights in the state of Wyoming. That is a fact of law and of the Constitution. But nowhere is it disputed, refuted, or even acknowledged in Judge Owens’ opinion on abortion."
Jonathan LangeNovember 22, 2024

Jonathan Lange: It’s Time For Wyoming Lawmakers To Protect Our College Girls
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "The cowgirls cannot sue the legislators who left them exposed. What happened to their season cannot be undone. It should, however, be prevented from ever happening again."
Jonathan LangeNovember 15, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Weston County Shows Why Hand-Counting Is Needed Even In Computer Age
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: "The Secretary of State, with human eyes and common sense, caught the disenfranchisement of hundreds of Wyoming voters. The county clerk, the computer system and the County Clerk's Association didn't catch it."
Jonathan LangeNovember 08, 2024

Jonathan Lange: A Spider-Man In Every Voting Booth
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: “Nobody can pull the lever for you. When you stand alone in that voting booth, you are wielding a power that few people in history have ever been given.”
Jonathan LangeNovember 01, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Did Any Adults Question Kelly Walsh's Bloody Marching Band Routine?
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "As I watched this disturbing routine, I could not help but ask myself: Who were the adults in the room? Who wrote it? Who choreographed it? Who selected the music? Did anybody, anywhere along the way, question its propriety?"
Jonathan LangeOctober 25, 2024

Jonathan Lange: The Undead Amendment A Should Never Have Been Exhumed
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: It is illegitimate for powerful people to use the color of state law to favor one use of private property while disfavoring another use of the same private property.
Jonathan LangeOctober 18, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Col. Thomas Hutchings Lived Purposefully
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "Soft-spoken and tender-hearted, Colonel Thomas C. Hutchings, USANG, Retired was a man like none other. Last week, we suddenly lost this Wyoming treasure. Cowboy State Daily readers might remember last summer’s headline, 'Miracle On I-25: Cheyenne Man Doesn't Know Who Saved His Life After Crash.' That was Tom."
Jonathan LangeOctober 11, 2024

Jonathan Lange: How We Can Help Congress And Our Secretary Of State Keep Elections Clean
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: "Funneling campaign cash through 'straw donors' allows it to be laundered through people who have no idea they are being used. Stolen money or money from foreign donors can be injected into both national and local campaigns undetected."
Jonathan LangeOctober 04, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Why is Wyoming Not Joining States Investigating Child Sex-Change Rules?
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: “If the people of Wyoming have an opportunity to join other states in protecting children from snake oil, it should fall under the purview of one elected by her people. As it stands, Wyoming is glaringly absent."
Jonathan LangeSeptember 27, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Party Platforms Are A Voter’s Best Friend
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: “Bewildered voters just want to know how each candidate intends to act in office. Instead of tossing around inscrutable jargon, just tell me which principles are non-negotiable and which can be sold to the highest bidder.”
Jonathan LangeSeptember 13, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Compulsory Content For Preschool Is The Devil’s Playground
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes: “Last year a bill that would lower the age for compulsory school attendance from 7 to 6 years old failed an introductory vote by 7-24. Now, the education lobby wants to compel not only 6-year-olds, but 3-year-olds as well. Parents are wise to be wary.”
Jonathan LangeSeptember 06, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Reflections On A Half-Million Acres Of Fire
Jonathan Lange writes: "A spontaneous government arose across county and state lines because people had an urgent task to accomplish. Should anyone attempt to hijack its power for personal gain, he or she would find that it dissolves as quickly as it arose."
Jonathan LangeAugust 30, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Thankfully, Two-Party Politics Has Returned To Wyoming
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "The increasingly lopsided ratio of Democrats to Republicans has effectively turned Wyoming into an unhealthy one-party state. The emergence of two clear caucuses within the dominant party helps the voter make an informed choice."
Jonathan LangeAugust 23, 2024

Jonathan Lange: How To Know Where Candidates Got Their Money And Who's Funding Their Campaigns
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "For weeks, candidates have been making claims and counterclaims of “dark money” and out-of-state-interest groups backing their opponents. Now, voters have the means available to judge for themselves."
Jonathan LangeAugust 16, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Your Noble Approach To Politics Can Restore Its Beauty
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "Partisan harping against the transgressions of others merely adds to the mudslinging. Removing the speck from your brother’s eye should not be a campaign strategy."
Jonathan LangeAugust 09, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Trust, But Verify
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "Gov. Gordon’s recent text blast changed the game. Under the banner of, 'Trust, but verify,' he effectively made 50 endorsements in Republican primary races."
Jonathan LangeAugust 02, 2024

Jonathan Lange: The Future Of Drop Boxes In Wyoming
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "After bypassing the formal rulemaking process for five administrations, litigation may be the only way forward. By discovery, we can learn what happened. And by court authority, Wyoming voters can again be treated equally."
Jonathan LangeJuly 26, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Only Passionate Love Can Lower The Temperature
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "My heart aches for Melania and Barron Trump — and all of President Trump’s children. To them, he is neither a political target nor an icon. He is a husband, a father, and a grandfather."
Jonathan LangeJuly 19, 2024

Jonathan Lange: Wyoming Should Declare Independence From The Federal Health Bureaucracy
Columnist Jonathan Lange writes, "Wyoming needs an "after action review" in the aftermath of COVID-19. Four years ago on July 1, Gov. Gordon issued the 7th continuation of 3 unprecedented Public Health Orders that were first imposed on March 19, 2020."
Jonathan LangeJuly 05, 2024