Candy Moulton
Candy Moulton has written 17 Western history books; co-edited a collection of short fiction and a two-volume encyclopedia; and written and produced several documentary films. She has four Spur Awards, plus many other awards from historical societies, museum associations, and press associations.
During her career of more than 50 years she has edited a weekly newspaper, two magazines, and is a past executive director of Western Writers of America.
Her passions are history, travel, and writing…all of which will be subjects for future articles for Cowboy State Daily
Candy's roots are deep in the Encampment area where she was reared on a ranch. She still lives in that same neighborhood with her husband Steve.
Latest from Candy Moulton

Candy Moulton: Celebrating John Nesbitt – A Boy From The Country
Columnist Candy Moulton writes: “In his newly published autobiography Boy from the Country, John Nesbitt shares the hard, sometimes painful, stories of his growing up in rural poverty and how that shaped him into the writer he is.”
Candy MoultonMarch 25, 2025

Candy Moulton: When The Women Ran Jackson
Columnist Candy Moulton writes, "A group of strong-willed women took over the town of Jackson in 1920 when the town elected an all-female town council. And the women quickly swept the town clean – both literally and figuratively."
Candy MoultonMarch 18, 2025

Candy Moulton: Off The Grid, At Least Temporarily
“We had no power for 22 hours in Saratoga and Encampment this weekend. I thought briefly about the things I could do with no power – like clean the house – but I successfully resisted that opportunity. And the outage pales in comparison to the 25-year outage that once happened here.”
Candy MoultonMarch 11, 2025

Candy Moulton: All Aboard! Let’s Get Amtrak Back
Candy writes: “Next to traveling on a wagon, taking a ride on a train very well may be my favorite mode of transportation.”
Candy MoultonMarch 05, 2025

Candy Moulton: How A Steel Tycoon And A Wyoming Cowboy Left Library Legacies
Columnist Candy Moulton writes, "The Carnegie name is recognized across the country for the library network Andrew Carnegie funded. But in Campbell County, Wyoming, an old cowboy, George Amos, left his own legacy to the community."
Candy MoultonFebruary 25, 2025

Candy Moulton: Standing Strong in the 307
Columnist Candy Moulton writes: “I have covered many accidents and life-threatening situations. At every scene I’ve seen the professionals like EMTs, law enforcement, volunteers, and regular people doing extraordinary things."
Candy MoultonFebruary 18, 2025

Candy Moulton: What's Inside The American Windmill Museum
Candy Moulton writes: “Lubbock, Texas, has some similarities to places in Wyoming – the wind always seems to blow! That makes it the perfect place for the American Windmill Museum.”
Candy MoultonFebruary 11, 2025

Candy Moulton: Wyoming Rock Art Deserves Protection
Columnist Candy Moulton writes, "Some of Wyoming’s rock art resources are well known. There are many more sites that are not easily accessible to the public, but they all deserve the protection that will be provided by the current legislation."
Candy MoultonFebruary 04, 2025

Candy Moulton: The Creative Circle Of Joseph Marshall III
Columnist Candy Moulton writes: “Joseph Marshall III, a member of the Sicangu Oyate tribe, grew up on the Rosebud Indian Reservation, in South Dakota, on his grandmother’s land. As a child he spoke only Lakota; now he is a member of the Western Writers Hall of Fame. ”
Candy MoultonJanuary 28, 2025

Candy Moulton: On the Dinosaur Trail
Which came first, the dinosaur or the dinosaur egg? I can’t answer that question but one of Montana’s greatest dinosaur discoveries: Egg Mountain, has the highest concentration of dinosaur eggs found in the world.
Candy MoultonJanuary 14, 2025

Candy Moulton: You Don’t See Those Cowboys From The Road
Columnist Candy Moulton writes, “The Wyoming Cowboy Hall of Fame mission is to preserve, perpetuate, and celebrate Wyoming’s working cowboy legacy and heritage. Since its founding a dozen years ago, more than 500 working cowboys have been inducted."
Candy MoultonJanuary 07, 2025

Candy Moulton: Best Of The American West
Columnist Candy Moulton writes, "In less than a year, Cowboy State Daily has become one of the great publishers of history of the American West. I’m so proud and pleased to be a part of the crew that generates these stories of the West."
Candy MoultonDecember 31, 2024

Candy Moulton: Celebrating the Holidays One Tradition at a Time
Columnist Candy Moulton writes, "For me, there is nothing better than having a simple meal with my family in a cabin heated with a wood cook stove and with light provided by candles and lanterns."
Candy MoultonDecember 25, 2024

Candy Moulton – Three of Wyoming’s History Keepers
Wyoming has a long list of people who help preserve and promote the history of the state. Glen Call in Afton, Jack States in Lander, and Dick Perue in Encampment, are three people I've worked with this year who are keeping history alive in their communities.
Candy MoultonDecember 17, 2024

Candy Moulton: Hooray for Wyoming History at UW
Candy Moulton writes: “As someone who loves and writes about Wyoming history, I’m thrilled about the university and the state’s commitment to the study of our past with the Phil Roberts Faculty Fellowship in Wyoming History and the West.”
Candy MoultonDecember 10, 2024

Candy Moulton: A Return to Christmas Past at Wyoming’s Frontier Forts
Three of Wyoming’s pioneer trail historic sites are hosting special Christmas events this month that give visitors the opportunity to step back in time to see and experience a time long past.
Candy MoultonDecember 03, 2024

Candy Moulton: Giving Thanks for Thanksgiving
Candy Moulton writes: “Give thanks in any way you prefer, but taking a day to enjoy the company of family and friends is a tradition that we can all be thankful the native tribes and the early settlers in this nation started over 400 years ago.”
Candy MoultonNovember 26, 2024

Candy Moulton: From Two Coots in a Connecticut Canoe to the Kansas “Golden Rural”
Candy writes: “The two Connecticut coots had the desire for an adventure, but no interest in ‘crapping in the woods” while a Kansas grandmother could teach you how to grate the cabbage for kraut or make a hot toddy.”
Candy MoultonNovember 19, 2024

Candy’s Column: Jim Bridger Traveled Far and Wide and Mapped Wyoming
Candy writes: “The story of westward expansion is embodied in the biography of Jim Bridger – who came west with Ashley and Henry’s brigade of 100 young men in 1822 and forged pathways that were followed by mountain men, emigrants, surveyors, scientists, and the military.”
Candy MoultonNovember 12, 2024

Candy’s Column: Celebrating Wyoming’s Veterans
Columnist Candy Moulton writes, “One of the engraved statements on the Wind River Memorial is a sentiment often used on memorials: ‘Our flag does not fly because the wind moves it. It flies with the last breath of each soldier who died protecting it.’"
Candy MoultonNovember 05, 2024

Candy Moulton: Preserving A World War II POW Camp
Columnist Candy Moulton writes, "On the north side of Douglas, a nondescript building is the last remnant of a World War II Prisoner of War Camp that once had 180 buildings, covered a square mile of land, and housed 5,000 men who had been taken prisoner during fighting in Europe."
Candy MoultonOctober 29, 2024