Your Wyoming Sunrise: Saturday, December 28, 2024

Today's Wyoming sunrise was captured by Ike Lynn in Morton, Wyoming. Ike writes, "Winter sunrises are my favorites, the air is crisp and all the colors are so vibrant! Wyoming skies are some of the brightest and clearest I’ve ever seen in person. Love my WyHoming!"

December 28, 20241 min read

Sunrise web 12 28 24

Today's Wyoming sunrise was captured by Ike Lynn in Morton, Wyoming. Ike writes, "Winter sunrises are my favorites, the air is crisp and all the colors are so vibrant! Wyoming skies are some of the brightest and clearest I’ve ever seen in person. Love my WyHoming!"

To submit your Wyoming sunrise, email us at:

NOTE: Please send us the highest-quality version of your photo. The larger the file, the better.

NOTE #2: Please include where you are from and where the photo was taken.

NOTE #3: Tell us about your sunrise. What do you like about it?

NOTE #4: Only horizontal photos will be considered.