Your Wyoming Sunrise: Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Today's Wyoming sunrise was captured by Stacy Hessler of Douglas. Stacy writes, "Sunrise photo of Laramie Peak on Esterbrook Road out of Douglas."

November 19, 20241 min read

Sunrise 11 19 24

Today's Wyoming sunrise was captured by Stacy Hessler of Douglas. Stacy writes, "Sunrise photo of Laramie Peak on Esterbrook Road out of Douglas."

"I went for a drive, actually looking for animals to photograph since the sky really was not very colorful and there was not much for clouds to make a good sunrise so I did not think I would get a good sunrise shot, However the light coloring in the sky really pops the peak, and the few pink clouds really made a beautiful scene."

To submit your Wyoming sunrise, email us at:

NOTE: Please send us the highest-quality version of your photo. The larger the file, the better.

NOTE #2: Please include where you are from and where the photo was taken.

NOTE #3: Tell us about your sunrise. What do you like about it?

NOTE #4: Only horizontal photos will be considered.