Cassie Craven: The House is Burning Down

Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “Confusing the hearts and minds of kids while mutilating their bodies in a profit game, and something I cannot stand alongside. I will not sit down quietly because we live in an era of virtue signaling. I refuse to be an accessory to their crimes."

Cassie Craven

September 26, 20244 min read

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I took particular interest in the viral Facebook post I found the other day. The scene was the Nebraska family of vice presidential candidate Tim Walz, beaming with smiles in the prairie sun.

Their T-shirts, matching and adorned, read, “Nebraska Walz’s for Trump.” A “Take America Back” Trump 2024 flag hung as a resounding backdrop.

This wasn’t the first time I had heard of my cornhusker state and Walz. My upbringing was in a small, rural Nebraska town.

I recalled seeing a mugshot of the vice presidential candidate, albeit much younger, circulating awhile back. The mugshot showed a dark-haired younger Walz in the Chadron, Nebraska jail. Come to find out, he obtained a DUI in his younger days.

Hard to imagine we could have shared a backyard. Fast-forward, Walz is now a governor over a state that does not require any ID to vote and allows same-day registration without a ban on non-citizen voting.

In an era of complete infiltration of illegal immigrants, the repercussions of Walz’s election policies are so off, that the result of such policies would be the end of the American voting systems and elections as we’ve known them.

Such logic on election policy seems to stack with the evil, sinister “conspiracy theory” that the Democrats intentionally imported new voters into our country as a means to take over the citizenry and cause chaos and crime.

Some think the Democrats simply want to take over our country, and their talking points and empty promises are wearing thin to an awakened populace. Sounds dark, good thing I’m not a conspiracy theorist.

Another key issue Walz supports is childhood gender transitions. It is shocking that the validity of these present-day lobotomies, in light of the uncovered abuses in pediatric gender clinics, continue.

Moreover, other countries with longer history of these procedures and long-range studies now walk back previous support of these procedures after uncovering possible harm to kids.

The office of Governor Walz has been very clear on its intent to remove age limits from gender transition procedures and force healthcare insurance and providers to cover and perform gender transition procedures on children. There can be no doubt that this augments the lucrative nature of that business.

Walz instructed his Department of Health and Human Services to ensure gender affirming treatments are covered by state-paid healthcare. Breast removal was allowed. Age limits for cross-sex hormones and surgeries, also had age restrictions removed.

The principles of this ideology in the treatment of minor children who are not of the age of majority to consent knowingly, to any life-altering thing, is completely contrary to evidence-based care.

Confusing the hearts and minds of kids while mutilating their bodies in a profit game, and something I cannot stand alongside. I will not sit down quietly because we live in an era of virtue signaling. I refuse to be an accessory to their crimes.

Since Minnesota’s “MHCP” coverage for transgender procedures began in 2017 in Walz’s state, the state has provided tax-payer funded mastectomies (632) and genital surgeries (559). The vulnerable and fleeting nature of emotions in our kids and the long-term implications of these procedures should give us all pause.

A vote for Harris-Walz makes sure that these Minnesota policies will become national policies – enhanced by federal incentive and controlled by regulations and statute. Spending tax dollars in America should look much different.

Walz’s radical ideas and agendas lack common sense, integrity and principled interest. The medical industrial complex appears to be the only winner.

The house will burn down and our moral destruction will be readily apparent to those who were never even watching. The deterioration of our Americanism and culture will be forever stunted and tarnished beyond repair for at least generations of traumatized kids who were never allowed to just be kids.

The house will be burning down from the inside out. Yet, we’ll all want to complain that the curtains smell of smoke as we draw the large black outs, a lovely reprieve from the real world looming outside.

Tim Walz doesn’t seem like a cornhusker to me.

Cassie Craven can be reached at:



Cassie Craven
