Letter To The Editor: Quit Parroting Propaganda!

Dear editor: There is no utility-scale "green" or "renewable" or "sustainable" energy on this planet. Having news sources like yours mindlessly parrot this propaganda is disturbing.

August 15, 20241 min read

Craig Generating Station Tri State Generation and Transmission Andrew Dixon via Google 8 8 24
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear editor,

With regard to the August 9th article, "Rural Wyoming Co-ops To Get More Green Power From Colorado-Based Parent Company," there is no utility-scale "green" or "renewable" or "sustainable" energy on this planet.

The energy sources you cite as being "green" require massive increases in mining; rely on petrochemicals, metallurgical coal, and Portland cement, the largest CO2-producing industry on the planet; have short service lives with no viable recycling; leach heavy metals and other contaminants; have been shown to emit more CO2 per unit energy than many conventional energy sources; and destroy huge swaths of habitat.

That the very foundational concept of the "energy transition" is a complete lie is disturbing.

Having news sources like yours mindlessly parrot this propaganda is more so.


Mike Robinson

Ten Sleep

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