Alleged Drunk Driver Severs Gas Line Plowing Through Cody Gun Range

A suspected drunk driver plowed through an indoor gun range in Cody on Saturday night and severed a gas line in the process. The owner said it was a miracle the building didn't blow up.

Andrew Rossi

June 04, 20244 min read

The aftermath of the SUV impact in the classroom of the Cody Firearms Experience. Fortunately, this room is part of a separate building from the main business, so the popular Cody business hasn't been impacted by the incident.
The aftermath of the SUV impact in the classroom of the Cody Firearms Experience. Fortunately, this room is part of a separate building from the main business, so the popular Cody business hasn't been impacted by the incident. (Courtesy Paul Brock)

CODY — An SUV driven by a suspected drunk driver plowed through the front of the Cody Firearms Experience on Saturday night, severing a gas line in the process.

It’s a miracle the place didn’t go up in an explosion, owner Paul Brock told Cowboy State Daily on Monday, describing the incident as his business “dodging a bullet.”

“Everything’s cleaned up, there was no damage that affected our business, the restaurant next door wasn’t affected and the building didn’t explode,” he told Cowboy State Daily. “Everything ran as smooth as it could.”

And Brock wasn’t being hyperbolic about the lack of an explosion.

Plenty Of Fuel, No Fire

Brock got the call that an SUV had driven through the front of his business at 10:35 p.m. Saturday. And that wasn’t even the worst of it.

“He hit a gas main that was right outside (the building) and sheared it off,” he said. “So, it was pumping natural gas into the building.”

His building is home to a number of unique, historic and high-caliber weapons, along with ammunition.

By the time Brock got there, the Cody Fire Department informed him that there was a 50% concentration of natural gas inside the building, which was “at an explosion level.”

“They told me that's the highest they've ever seen inside a building without it blowing up,” he said. “I have seen the destructive force of gas explosions, so that was a little tense.”

Firefighters quickly entered the building and shut off the gas. Then, they opened all the doors and used multiple fans to ventilate it so it was safe to enter.

The SUV's impact caused tremendous structural damage. Fortunately, the damage was concentrated in a small classroom in a connected but separate structure next to the main building.

A steel gate that stretched across the front was destroyed, and one of the supports of the wooden awning out front was dislodged, causing it to sag. But there wasn’t as much interior damage as Brock feared.

“We had 15,000 brochures sitting (along the wall),” he said. “They got scattered out through the room. We had three to four employees that stayed throughout the night. By 9 a.m. next morning, it was back to serviceable.”

Juan Carlos Cancino-Cisneros, 30, was arrested on suspicion of felony property destruction and misdemeanor reckless endangering, reckless driving and DUI. His bond was set at $25,000.

  • The SUV after driving through the front of the Cody Firearms Experience on Saturday night. The vehicle hit a gas main during the impact, which poured into the building at an explosive concentration.
    The SUV after driving through the front of the Cody Firearms Experience on Saturday night. The vehicle hit a gas main during the impact, which poured into the building at an explosive concentration. (Courtesy Paul Brock)
  • First responders on the scene after an SUV drove into the front of the Cody Firearms Experience.
    First responders on the scene after an SUV drove into the front of the Cody Firearms Experience. (Courtesy Paul Brock)
  • The classroom of the Cody Firearms Experience cleaned up after Saturday night's SUV impact.
    The classroom of the Cody Firearms Experience cleaned up after Saturday night's SUV impact. (Courtesy Paul Brock)
  • The classroom of the Cody Firearms Experience cleaned up after Saturday night's SUV impact.
    The classroom of the Cody Firearms Experience cleaned up after Saturday night's SUV impact. (Courtesy Paul Brock)

Community Support

Brock wasn’t too perturbed by the aftermath of a vehicle driving through the building. He and his staff were already repairing and cleaning up when calls of assistance started to pour in.

“I got here at 9 a.m. and proceeded with sourcing lumber and things like that which you can't get on a Sunday,” he said. “People from the community started calling and saying, ‘Hey, I got OSB. I've got two-by-fours. I’ll bring my Bobcat over.’ By 3 p.m., everything was finished up.”

An insurance adjuster is compiling an estimate for the damage, but the Cody Firearms Experience is proceeding with business as usual. Brock said the incident reaffirmed his affection for the Cody community, which has been immensely helpful and immediately there to help however it could.

“They got everything running in less than a day,” he said. “I know most of the people on the fire department on the gas company, and they were all here helping to get things going. They stayed up the entire time. This is why I love Cody.”

Andrew Rossi can be reached at

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Andrew Rossi

Features Reporter

Andrew Rossi is a features reporter for Cowboy State Daily based in northwest Wyoming. He covers everything from horrible weather and giant pumpkins to dinosaurs, astronomy, and the eccentricities of Yellowstone National Park.