A Daniel man accused of the capture, torture and killing of a wolf who sparked global outrage has been paid tens of thousands of dollars through trucking contracts with the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission and Wyoming Department of Transportation, including a contract that’s active through the end of the fiscal year.
A number of readers have reached out to Cowboy State Daily asking about contracts that Cody Roberts, 42, has with state agencies through his Daniel-based company, C Roberts Trucking LLC.
From 2020-2024, Roberts earned roughly $120,000 through contracts with the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission/Wyoming Game and Fish Department and the Wyoming Department of Transportation (WYDOT), according to information obtained through the Wyoming Transparency Platform and shared with Cowboy State Daily.
Game And Fish
“The Wyoming Game and Fish Department does have an active contract with C Roberts Trucking LLC, which was awarded based on the state procurement rules and protocol,” agency spokeswoman Breanna Ball wrote in an email response to questions from Cowboy State Daily.
“At this time, it is unknown if the department will pursue any future contracts” with Roberts, Ball stated.
“The department values the ability to use local businesses when contracting services to assist with wildlife or habitat projects, whenever possible and in accordance with the state bid process in an effort to contribute and invest in our local communities,” Ball stated. “It is not uncommon for the department to contract with local businesses, especially in rural communities.”
The last time Game and Fish used C Roberts Trucking’s services was in January.
“The current contract is set to expire in June 2024,” Ball stated, adding that he’s already done the work called for in the contract. “There is no additional or pending work with the trucking company.”
Multiple companies were contracted for a restoration project on Green and New Fork rivers, and his was one of them, according to Game and Fish.
“The department contracted with the Roberts’ trucking company and three other local trucking companies for material hauling and equipment operation in conjunction with river restoration projects for the Green and New Fork rivers in Sublette County,” Ball sated.
“The department contracted with four trucking companies in the area because these vendors are not always available when needed due to the nature of the trucking business, and having multiple contracts allows flexibility of services,” she added.

Roberts Trucking has also been used by WYDOT for short-term contracts, agency spokesman Doug McGee told Cowboy State Daily on Wednesday.
The contracts were for such things as hauling sand/salt road deicer mix or snow removal equipment between locations, McGee said, adding that he wasn’t certain whether WYDOT has an active contract with Roberts at this time.
When it comes to torturing an animal, that may not preclude Roberts or anyone else accused of such actions of getting WYDOT contracts in the future.
In an email response to written questions from Cowboy State Daily, McGee stated that WYDOT cannot legally let “outside factors” influence its decisions regarding whether a company qualifies to be on the agency’s list of vendors.
“We cannot consider outside factors which are not relevant to completion of the scope of work, whether we approve of those factors or not,” McGee wrote.
Bids and contracts are considered based upon qualifications and performance, he stated.
“That company is currently on the approved vendor list with WYDOT. In order to bid on a WYDOT project, a company must be an approved vendor in our software, Public Purchase,” McGee said in the email. “Vendors must still bid on projects, and projects are typically awarded to the lowest bid.
“WYDOT will dismiss a bid if it does not meet the qualifications and specifications listed on the request for bids. WYDOT will terminate a contract if the awarded contractor does not fulfill the scope of work as specified in the contract. If a vendor has repeated issues with fulfilling the contract as specified, they may be temporarily barred from responding to bids. This is a rare occurrence, and it is even more rare that this ban would be permanent.”
Source Of Controversy
According to multiple inquiries and comments sent by readers to Cowboy State Daily, some question whether state agencies should continue to use Roberts’ company’s services.
Roberts became a lightning rod for controversy based on allegations that he tortured and killed a wolf Feb. 29.
According to accounts of events that day, Roberts ran a wolf down with his snowmobile and captured the animal. He took it to his residence, at one point taping its muzzle shut.
He then allegedly took the animal to the Green River Bar and showed it off before taking it out behind the bar and killing it.
Roberts was cited by Game and Fish for illegal possession of a live warm-blooded animal and fined $250, according to court records.
Many across Wyoming, the nation and the world are outraged, claiming that Roberts should have faced stiffer penalties.
The Sublette County Attorney’s Office is investigating whether more charges might be filed against Roberts.
Mark Heinz can be reached at mark@cowboystatedaily.com.