People who spend their lives in politics somehow are not supposed to be as “nice” as the late Bobbi Barrasso, wife of U. S Sen. John Barrasso.
She was tough enough to climb the Grand Teton and pretty enough to be Homecoming Queen at the University of Wyoming. But most of all, she was just so welcoming whenever you met with her.
Sadly, she died in Casper last Wednesday of brain cancer at the age of 70.
She Was A Thermopolis Girl
But before her political life, she was the little girl who first conquered Thermopolis and never left that little town out of her heart.
Former Gov. Dave Freudenthal, also a Thermopolis native, said: “Bobbi was a few years behind me in high school. Even then, it was clear she was destined to do great things. Energetic, smart, optimistic -- a vibrant personality.
“Over the years, our professional paths would cross. All those great traits from high school were ever present. Most importantly, she never forgot her Wyoming roots, unaffected by the bright lights of D.C.”
Her roots were deep in Hot Springs County. Her dad, Bob Brown, was the postmaster there and the local Post Office is named after him. Her mom’s family ran the Wigwam bakery. You can imagine young Bobette Kay Brown hustling around the bake shop as a child. She was obviously the apple of her dad’s eye, being his namesake.
There is often an assumption that politics can be a dirty business and requires a nasty person to succeed in it. Quite the contrary, Bobbi proved that being nice and sincere was the best formula for success.

Diana Enzi Recalls Bobbi
Diana Enzi, who was a great friend and colleague of Bobbi as both were wives of U. S. Senators, has fond memories of her friend. Here are a couple of memories of Bobbi:
“She was fiercely loyal to and fond of her parents and her Thermopolis upbringing. She talked about her connections and memories often. I know her parents were very supportive of her and their granddaughter Hadley. Her family was very dear to her.
“She was really involved with her community wherever she was and made forever friends. She was respected in the D.C. area for her work over the years and for her leadership as a Senate spouse. She chaired the annual luncheon for the First Lady and chose the National Parks as the theme highlighting Yellowstone and the others.
“I loved her gracious and inclusive treatment of everyone and her laugh. My grandchildren remember how she always sought them out and visited with them at functions.
“She leaves a hole in the fabric of what is best about Wyoming,” Diana concluded.
Bobbi was the perfect wife to Sen. Barrasso. She loved him deeply and they had a great partnership. She kept him centered as he rose in power and prestige in the Senate, where he is one of the top Republican Leaders.
Sen. Barrasso’s friend and colleague GOP Leader Mitch McConnell said: “Bobbi’s home state is better for her decades of devoted advocacy for a host of worthy causes. In addition to her tireless work on breast cancer treatment and awareness, Bobbi inspired action in Wyoming and Washington on issues ranging from suicide prevention to historical preservation and support for survivors of child abuse.”
As a Wyoming journalist, we first ran into her when she was working for Sen. Malcolm Wallop, and then later when she was managing the campaign of State Treasurer Stan Smith, also of Thermopolis. He won, of course.

Bobbi Was A Cancer Survivor
Bobbi was a breast cancer survivor and shared that with my wife Nancy. Bobbi would always ask Nancy how she was doing when we would see them.
She was a great asset to her husband. Bobbi knew everybody and she genuinely loved everyone. Her love for Wyoming was evident in everything that she did.
The following from her obituary said it perfectly:
“Bobbi made lifelong friends wherever she went. She was active in Washington D.C. with the Senate spouses, helped organize the First Lady’s lunch, and loved her time as President of the International Neighbors Club One.
“In spite of being friends with Presidents and world leaders, she was most happy at home in Wyoming. She loved every corner of the state and all the land and people in between.
“Bobbi Barrasso will be forever remembered for being vibrant, attractive, and brilliant. She fought her cancer with Wyoming tenacity, grit, and grace.
“The family is forever grateful to the remarkable friends and compassionate caregivers who surrounded Bobbi in her final months. Her family recognized the enduring friendship of Rebecca Sedar, Susan Anderson, Linda Nix, Mitzi Knapp, Vicki Burger, Trudi Holthouse, Laurie Heath and Judy Murray.”
God Bless You, Bobbi, and May You Rest in Peace.
Bill Sniffin can be reached at: