Letter to the Editor: Taking Representation Away From Smaller Counties Is Un-American

To the editor: Gradually, through many years, our republic has eroded somewhat. The one person one vote concept has crept into our thinking.  It’s a philosophy of pure democracy where 51 percent of us can ignore the rights of 49 percent.

January 11, 20242 min read

Capitol 1 11 24

To the editor:

Writing in regard to a bill to be introduced in the Wyoming State Senate, SF 29-Major Political Parties-State Control Party Voting Members. I’m in opposition to it. I’m opposed to the principle behind it. 

One of the main reasons that, as a nation, we fought for independence, was that we were being taxed with no representation. Our founding fathers realized that everyone, everywhere in the country needed representation. With our independence a republic was born.  

Gradually, through many years, our republic has eroded somewhat. The one person one vote concept has crept into our thinking.  It’s a philosophy of pure democracy where 51 percent of us can ignore the rights of 49 percent.  If it’s allowed, a majority can and will become a cruel dictator. 

We don’t need to go far to see it. A strong majority in Colorado thought it would be kinda neat to have wolves in the back country. Through a ballot initiative they got what they wanted. The majority spoke.  Kinda neat for them but a pending disaster for rural Colorado. 

Demographics won’t allow the one person, one vote concept to work. Each county is its own self contained unit with its own unique issues. Issues that don’t seem important or obvious to people in other counties. 

Quite often we hear the complaint that our state central committees do a poor job of reflecting the true values of the parties that the committees represent. True or not, it isn’t because people don’t have an opportunity to be heard. 

If there’s a problem it’s due to lack of participation. It won’t help to take representation away from smaller counties. Our process is a good one and it can’t be improved by state encroachment. 

While I admire the effort to make things fair, in the case of SF 29 the effort is misdirected. 


Jeb Hanson 
Niobrara County