Charlie Spiering: This Thanksgiving, Celebrate A Powerful Blow Against Socialists In Latin America

Columnist Charlie Spiering writes, "As we prepare for our own presidential elections next year, let us pause to identify and reject the 'siren song' of leftist socialism parading in American politics today and give thanks to God for our own heritage of political and economic freedom." 

Charlie Spiering

November 22, 20233 min read

Charlie Spiering
Charlie Spiering (Cowboy State Daily Staff)

As the Thanksgiving conversation inevitably dips into the political realm this year, surprise your family by stepping outside of American politics for a moment to talk about the surprise victory of libertarian populist Javier Milei in Argentina's presidential race.

"Today we once again embrace the model of liberty to return to being a world power,” he cried in his victory speech.

Milei attracted support for his total and complete rejection of state-supported socialists in a number of interviews where he routinely described them as "shit leftards" and "shit leftists" who were not only losers but parasites destroying the country. 

"We are better than them at everything, and that triggers them and since they can't beat us with real arguments they just use the repressive apparatus of the state with loads of taxpayer money to destroy us and yet they're still losing!" he cried in an interview. 

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In another viral video, Milei rips the tags off of a list of government agencies, vowing to shut down federal offices like those dedicated to "Women, Genders, and Diversity" for the ultimate goal of shrinking the government. 

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"It's the same old story, all state action causes more harm than what it's supposed to correct," he said, pointing out failed government attempts to restrict rent, reduce hunger poverty, and unemployment. 

“The state does not create wealth; it only destroys it. The state cannot give anything because it doesn’t produce anything, and when it wants to do so, it does so badly,” Milei continued.

When Carlson asked him for advice to Americans, Milei replied, “Never embrace the ideas of socialism. Never let yourself be seduced by the siren’s call of social justice."

The solution, he added, was to fight. "That battle has to be fought permanently, one cannot rest because when you rest, socialism advances,” he warned.

Videos of Milei's passionate Spanish rhetoric, framed by English captions, leaped across language barriers to inspire a new generation who get their news on social media. It also had a profound impact in Argentina.

Polls showed almost 50 percent of Argentinian voters 29 and younger supported Milei, demonstrating the success of an authentic message of freedom even from an unlikely political star. 

As we prepare for our own presidential elections next year, let us pause to identify and reject the "siren song" of leftist socialism parading in American politics today and give thanks to God for our own heritage of political and economic freedom. 

Charlie Spiering is a Wyoming native who works in Washington, D.C., where he continues writing about the White House, Congress and national politics. A former writer for Breitbart News, The Washington Examiner and columnist Robert Novak, Spiering frequently returns home to the family farm in Powell to escape the insanity of Washington.

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Charlie Spiering
