Letter To The Editor: Thanks To Cat Urbigkit For BLM Proposal Coverage

Dear editor: I read Cat Urbigkit's comments and greatly appreciate her interpretation and comments on the proposed BLM closure of public lands.

CSD Staff

October 01, 20232 min read

There is General consensus over preserving the Greater Little Mountain area in Sweetwater County, although a draft plan for managing other federal lands around it was slammed by Wyoming elected officials.
There is General consensus over preserving the Greater Little Mountain area in Sweetwater County, although a draft plan for managing other federal lands around it was slammed by Wyoming elected officials. (Images Courtesy of Josh Coursey)

Dear editor:

I read Cat's comments and greatly appreciate her interpretation and comments on the proposed BLM closure of public lands. I found one aspect to the BLM's proposal very interesting and quite hypocritical. Cat writes:

"...The BLM’s preferred alternative proposes increased restrictions to protect raptors on public lands. According to page 2-71, the BLM will “seasonally close vehicular travel” in raptor nesting areas and according to Appendix J-2, the restrictions for “raptors” will be from Feb. 1 through July 31, “within two miles of active and historic nests.” 

Thus, the BLM proposes to close vehicle traffic within two miles of active and historic nests for six months of the year. It’s important to note that the BLM’s preferred alternative lacks definitions for “active” or “historic” nests, or the “associated feeding areas” that it also proposes to be protected..."

It is interesting the BLM is taking the Sea Turtle Protection approach yet, has done absolutely nothing with regards to sticking up for and protecting raptors from being killed by those denizen's of the wind, wind mill generators. How many Hawks, Eagles, Falcons and even Crows are killed each year in Wyoming by the ugly, bird killers? 

I feel it is very disingenuous on the the BLM/Federal Governments part to use raptor protection as a strong justification in closing public lands, to the public! It is a clear case of the EV calling it's fellow EV's environmentally friendly without taking into consideration where all their parts and pieces came from.

Good job Cat, it was a very well researched and written article; easy to understand. Myself and I am sure the vast majority of your readers, appreciate the clear candor and presentation of the facts as the really are.

Side Comment: Can we really trust a BLM/Federal Government that hides the facts, buried in endless technical documents, knowing a very lazy media will not research and report on? Thank goodness for The Cowboy State Daily and writers like Cat Urbigkit. 


Thomas D. Moore

Buffalo, Wyoming



CSD Staff
