There likely isn’t a large enough billboard on the planet to list all the problems Cheyenne resident Jeanette Kahler has with the American government and President Joe Biden.
“I need a much bigger sign,” she said. “A skyscraper might potentially get some of the points in.”
Kahler and her husband Andrew have a large sign posted on their property, just off the south side of Interstate 80 facing the eastbound lanes about 15 miles west of Cheyenne that reads, “We The People Are Pissed.” There are two American flags fixed atop the sign and exactly 50 planted along the fence line and elsewhere visible from the highway.
The sign is the Kahlers way of saying they’ve had enough, and they’re going to tell people how they feel.
“We love our country, and we love the people of this country,” Andrew Kahler said.
Jeanette Kahler describes the way the government spends her tax dollars as “horrific” and “excessive.”
“We are essentially slaves,” she said. “We are not free people, we are slaves to taxes.”
The Kahlers thought there was no better way to honor the Fourth of July holiday than by putting up the sign.
“There are so many things that are very very wrong with what’s going on in our country,” she said. “The list is extensive, the things to be angry and pissed about.”
A large sign saying “we the people are pissed” is a way for the Kahlers to exercise their First Amendment right to free speech and connect with others who feel the same, Jeanette said.
She and her husband spent about an hour on the Fourth of July waving American flags by their sign, which they consider art, receiving exactly 307 honks from the nearby highway in about an hour, Andrew said.
What Are They Pissed About?
Jeanette Kahler said one of the biggest issues fueling their frustrations are America’s elections, which she believes are rigged and can’t be trusted because of the use of electronic voting machines.
“Elections, they’re more like selections,” she said.
Kahler also is angry about the way the investigation and prosecution of Hunter Biden, President Joe Biden’s son, is being handled. Hunter Biden recently pleaded guilty to two misdemeanor tax crimes and admitted to illegally possessing a gun while being a drug user. If approved by a judge, the terms of the agreement will keep Hunter Biden out of jail, and he is expected to agree to drug treatment and monitoring.
“Everybody knows there’s multiple felonies the government left out that the FBI could have included,” Kahler said. “Yet he gets a slap on the wrist, where literally rappers or just us common folk were to be caught doing any of the things he’s doing, people are literally in prison.”
She believes there is a two-tiered justice system operating in America, one for the wealthy and the well connected, and the other for everybody else.
“I just think it’s much more in our face at this point,” she said.
Kahler is also bothered by America supporting Ukraine in its war with Russia, child sex trafficking and the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border.
“Our government has lied to us for a very long time,” she said. “I think I’ve become much more aware of what’s going on.”
She’s also been focused on contacting her legislative representatives with her concerns.
Although she vehemently opposes Biden, Kahler said many of the issues drawing her ire existed long before he or former President Donald Trump were president.
Although she’s “absolutely” supporting Trump’s 2024 bid for president, Kahler said she finds the two-party system flawed and doesn’t believe it represents a great number of Americans.
“I believe we have far more in common than we don’t,” she said.
Not Turbines
While attempting to identify the owner of the sign, Cowboy State Daily heard one suggestion that the sign is a commentary on wind turbines.
Although the sign is in the vicinity of many wind turbines, Kahler said she and her husband aren’t mad about them, although she does find the devices “asinine” and a major consumer of energy.
“We don’t love them and we think they’re ridiculous, but that’s the least of my worries at this point,” she said. “I could put up with a whole lot of other nonsense if we could get these other things ironed out.”
Other Signs
Kahler has posted other signs on her property in the past such as “God Save America” after the 2020 election, and “RIP Marvin Heemeyer.” That sign was in honor of a man who bulldozed various buildings in Granby, Colorado, in response to what he saw as a local government that treated him unfairly.
Typically, Kahler said the signs are her husband’s inspiration, but the “We The People” sign was a joint operation.
For their next sign, the Kahlers are planning “Biden For Prison.”
Jeanette said she and her husband are driven by a desire to express free speech. She believes this right is being frequently snubbed by the general public.
“Very few people have the opportunity to have the kind of signage that we have, so we feel like that’s really a cool thing and to be able to voice our opinion on a larger scale that I think a lot more people agree with than disagree,” she said.
And like she and her husband, Kahler said she believes there are a lot more people out there who feel as “pissed” as they do.
“No matter what side of the political aisle they stand on, I don’t think there are a lot of people happy about what’s going on,” she said.
Leo Wolfson can be reached at