Letter To The Editor: Feds Are Out Of Control, We Need Convention Of States

Reader Helene Belisle writes: "The federal government is out of control. With the national debt exceeding $31 trillion and the deep state bureaucrats running the show, something has to be done."

February 15, 20232 min read

Rick Santorum 1 16 23 5238
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear Editor:

Last week, the Senate passed SJ11 to have Wyoming join the Convention of States.

With that vote, the Senate affirms that Wyoming stands for freedom and a commitment to be part of an effort to discuss and suggest amendments to help rein in the Feds.

The federal government is out of control. With the national debt exceeding $31 trillion and the deep state bureaucrats running the show, something has to be done.

In Wyoming, we are mostly free and responsible for ourselves. Here we try to live the legacy left to us by the Founders – to live without government interference. 

For those of us who have asked, “What can I do? What can be done?” A Convention of States gives us hope and a powerful, peaceful, legal, constitutional way to make suggested changes to reduce the overreach of the federal government and the out of control spending that will bankrupt our children and grandchildren. 

I am a second generation American – my grandparents arrived penniless at Ellis Island asking for nothing more than an opportunity to become citizens and participate in the American dream. I must fight for them and the generations to come.

Freedom cannot be separated from responsibility. Now is the time for our legislators to have the moral courage to approve the resolution for a Convention of States as provided in Article V in the U.S. Constitution.

Help Wyoming make a stand for freedom: please contact your Wyoming State Representative and ask them to vote yes on SJ11.


Helene Belisle
Sheridan, Wyoming

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