Letter To The Editor: Liz Cheney Is Lying

Dear Editor: So, while Ms. Cheney claims protection of the Constitution as her highest duty, it is clear that is not the case.

July 27, 20223 min read

Cheney 6 27 22 scaled
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear Editor:

With regard to today’s article regarding Ms. Cheney’s concern for protecting the Constitution, some facts are in order. Ms. Cheney voted to impeach President Trump, against whom she clearly has a personal vendetta, for “abuse of power and obstruction of Congress,” neither of which is a high crime or misdemeanor, and, thus, are not impeachable offenses under the Constitution.

Biden has provided over $80 billion in aid and comfort to an enemy of the US in Afghanistan, which is treason. His eviction moratorium is un-Constitutional interference with contracts. His mask mandate on public transportation has been found to be both illegal and un-Constitutional. 

He has failed to protect the States against invasion across the southern border. He has openly colluded with social media companies to suppress First Amendment rights, even going so far as to announce it at a press conference. 

Biden’s attempt to subvert the recent SCOTUS Roe v. Wade opinion is un-Constitutional. Biden’s coercion with regard to experimental “vaccines” is both a felony under US Code and meets the definition of domestic terrorism. 

All of these, and more, are truly impeachable offenses, and Ms. Cheney is aware of them, and yet she does nothing. Biden’s seemingly endless executive orders are certainly an abuse of power.

As vice-chair of the January 6 committee, she has allowed perjured testimony by the Capitol Police, has allowed Mr. Schiff to manufacture evidence, has withheld thousands of hours of public video obtained at public expense in a public building, has allowed hearsay to be introduced as evidence, and has denied the accused their Constitutional rights. 

While Congress has broad investigative authority, that authority is limited to legislative purposes, so the committee itself is likely un-Constitutional. Ms. Cheney even attempts to blame President Trump for not “ordering” National Guard troops into DC on January 6, even though that would be a violation of the law and a true abuse of power. 

Ms. Cheney does know, but chooses not to admit, that President Trump did authorize Guard troops, which is the extent of his authority, while the Speaker of the House chose to prevent their use because of poor “optics,” or perhaps more nefarious reasons.

So, while Ms. Cheney claims protection of the Constitution as her highest duty, it is clear that is not the case. She hasn’t even honored her oath of office. Simply put, Ms. Cheney is lying.


Mike Robinson, Ten Sleep