Letter to the Editor: Earlier Vaccine Letter Was Full Of Disinformation

Reader Larry Wright writes: "I cannot understand or forgive how you put Dan Brodys  Covid-19 misinformation and anti-vaccine editorial onto the front page.  Dan Brodys editorial promotes the disease."

December 15, 20213 min read

Letter to the editor graphic 12 21
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

By Larry Wright, Letter to the Editor

Dear Cowboy State Daily:

I do appreciate the effort you people put into this online journal.  I enjoy reading about the good people of Wyoming and our wonderful state.  I understand that your news slant  flows mostly in sync with  the Fox news crowd.  

However, please do not  ignore what make us good people and what makes us proud citizens of the Cowboy State.  Wyoming people want to be healthy and we want our families and neighbors to be healthy. 

I cannot understand or forgive how you put Dan Brody’s  Covid-19 misinformation and anti-vaccine editorial onto the front (your only) page.  Dan Brody’s editorial promotes the disease.  

Our attention should be directed to the 800,000 person virus death toll in the US, 1472 deaths in Wyoming and how we can get this under control.  As a country and a state we have done worse with this virus than nearly every other place on earth. 

I am pretty sure that nearly everyone in the state has now lost a family member or a friend to the disease.

The following information is in response to Dan Brody’s vaccine misinformation.  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) reports  471 million Covid-19 vaccines delivered in the US through December 6.   

The CDC aggressively collects all information it can about suspected impacts from the vaccine.  Several deaths and some adverse effects have been definitively attributed to the vaccine.    

Some other deaths and adverse effects may be attributed to the vaccine.  Dan Brody’s statistic that the CDC VAERS database  reported 19,886 documented vaccine deaths is based on CDC’s collection of death certificates of everyone who was vaccinated and later died from any cause.  

The conclusions of the CDC are COVID vaccines are safe and effective.  https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html

Every day the New York Times prints the latest CDC information about COVID.  There are some very simple statistics. 

As of December 13, 2021, if you are unvaccinated, you are 5 times more likely to catch Covid and 13 times more likely to die from it.   

These statistics include the adverse impact to the vaccinated  by the Delta-Variant.  

Forget Dan Brody’s unproven and frequently disproven gibberish about horse de-wormers, anti-malarial drugs, vitamins and whatever.   Get vaccinated. 

If Trump were president, I suspect that most Republicans would  gladly take the vaccine that he wanted (and deserves some) credit for.  Getting sick with Covid-19,  spreading it around, and dying from it to “own the libs” is just stupid.  

Covid-19  is a public health issue and an issue of life and death.  

Get vaccinated.

Get a booster if you are due one. 

Wear a mask in public places.

A mask mostly protects others from your disease. 

A mask slightly protects you from other people’s diseases.  

We all hate masks, now get over it. 

Temporarily abandon  some of your “ freedom” and “personal choice” issues and fully support the health of your community. 

Larry Wright, PE

Cheyenne, Wyoming

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