By Bill Sniffin, publisher
The famous unsolved murder case involving Virginia Uden and her two sons is the topic of a TV show on the Oxygen Cable TV Network Monday night at 6 p.m..
Called “Killer Couples,” the series is about gruesome murders by couples over the years. The Uden case was a murder case that was unsolved for 33 years. It was finally solved in 2013. It occurred in Lander and Fremont County.
I owned the Lander newspaper at the time and am interviewed on the show. Virginia Uden was a part-time employee of our newspaper.

Other Wyomingites including former Fremont County Sheriffs Larry Mathews and Tim McKinney were interviewed. Former DCI investigator Andy Hanson is featured along with Laramie County District Attorney Leigh Ann Manlove.
One of Wyoming’s most famous native son authors, Ron Franscell, is prominent. He wrote a terrific book about the case called “Gerald and Alice, A Homicidal Love Story.”
This is the second time a cable channel has done a show on this murder case. The channel Investigative Discovery did one about 10 years ago and it pops up once in a while. I was on that one, too, and occasionally get emails or phone calls from friends saying they had just seen me in on TV.