Cowboy State Daily Donors Offer Up Fan Mail, Too – We Love It! Keep It Coming

Publisher Bill Sniffin writes: "We had over 120 responses on the first day of our Spring Fund Drive and the checks and credit card payments are coming in."

Bill Sniffin

April 19, 20213 min read

Sniffin 1
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

By Bill Sniffin, publisher

Dear friend,

We love the donations and we love the nice comments from donors, too!

For example, Doctors Michael H. Erlich and Stephanie S. Erlich from Cheyenne sent in a nice check with the following comment: “Your unbiased, well-written journalism is a rarity these days. Thank you very much.” And thank you for those kind words. Our professional and experienced staff works hard to living up to the standards you are seeking in your daily news source.

From her ranch near Lingle, Carol Morrison sent us a nice check with the following comments:

“Cowboy State Daily is my connection to the rest of the state. I scan the Daily when it hits my email, read through it quickly then come back later in the day for a more in-depth perusal of the articles.”

Carol hails from the famous 7X Ranch, which is famous for its fantastic Angus cattle, some of the best in the world.

She continues: “I enjoy how the columnists dial into the pulse of Wyoming making it very easy to relate to many topics that are written about. Adding humor to the mix just ramps up the columns. Jimmy Orr never fails to amuse, in addition to being right on in his commentaries. Don Day’s podcasts are a must listen to every day to get weather info not available elsewhere.” Then she adds: “Updates of 399 and her brood are a must read, too.”

Letters like Carol’s are priceless to us.  We really are striving to provide the best statewide journalism available her letter just provides us further incentive to work hard.

We had over 120 responses on the first day of our Spring Fund Drive and the checks and credit card payments are coming in.

With COVID pretty much in our rear view mirror, now is a time to be optimistic and look ahead.  Cowboy State Daily has never been more popular and with that in mind, we invite you to donate to us for our Spring 2021 donation drive.

During tough times like we saw in 2020, it helps to have someone to turn to. In the past year, Wyomingites turned to Cowboy State Daily in record numbers.

We anticipated your questions and we provided the answers.

Our staff answered these questions with nearly 2,000 stories, photos, videos, and by providing a daily newsletter to thousands of readers. That journalism helped thousands of people better understand how our state’s policies would impact their lives. 

To top it off, the Wyoming Legislature just finished its session and we feel nobody covered the issues better than Cowboy State Daily.  

Thanks for helping us continue our mission of keeping Wyomingites informed. In a year when information literally saved lives, we came through, thanks in no small part to your loyalty, which means so much. 

Cowboy State Daily is owned by YOU.  And with ownership comes responsibility.  We are reaching out to our 13,000-plus subscribers and asking you to make a tax-deductible donation.

Cowboy State Daily continues to grow.  We have been adding 1,000 new subscribers per month for the past year. That pace is actually increasing this year.

Our motto: Don’t Just Watch Us Grow – Join Us!”

Whether you chip in with a donation or with your continued attention, we’re so grateful for your support.

Please click on the donate button and donate by credit card or send your check to: Cowboy State Daily, Box 900, Lander, WY 82520.

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Bill Sniffin

Wyoming Life Columnist

Columnist, author, and journalist Bill Sniffin writes about Wyoming life on Cowboy State Daily -- the state's most-read news publication.