Wyoming Republican Party Condemns Liz Cheney’s Impeachment Vote

The Wyoming Republican Party on Wednesday condemned Rep. Cheney's vote to impeach President Trump.

January 14, 20214 min read

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(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

The Wyoming Republican Party is criticizing Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney for her vote to impeach President Donald Trump.

The party on Wednesday condemned Cheney’s vote, stating that in recent memory, there has never been as much feedback from Wyoming Republicans as there has been against Trump’s impeachment and Cheney’s vote.

The statement — attributed to Wyoming Republican Party leadership — listed a number of comments the party has received since the vote — none of which are supportive of Cheney’s position.

“The consensus is clear that those who are reaching out to the Party vehemently disagree with Representative Cheney’s decision and actions,” reads the statement.

It goes on to list some of the feedback received from party members in order to share it with Cheney.

“President Trump did not incite anyone to riot. Read the transcript of what he said and watch the video,” reads one statement.

“Representative Cheney has aligned herself with leftists who are screaming that what happened last Wednesday is the ‘worst thing ever in our history’ (or similar such claims). That is absurd and shows their lack of knowledge of history as well as their willingness to skew the facts to further their corrupt agenda,” reads another.

In an interview with Wyoming reporters on Wednesday, Cheney addressed what she saw as the the historical significance of the storming of the Capitol on Jan. 6, stating that this is a “very dangerous moment for our nation” and noting the presence of U.S. troops in the Capitol.

“Some of you have probably saw the pictures of the troops sleeping on the floor of the Capitol Visitor Center,” she said. “It was a scene reminiscent of the Civil War, when troops were housed in the Capitol.”

“This is a moment when it’s important for all of us to recognize that our Republic is very fragile, and that we all have an obligation to ensure we’re doing everything that we’re compelled to do by our oath to ensure the survival of that Republic,” Cheney said.

Republicans from all over the state have offered their opinions. In a column for Cowboy State Daily, former Republican gubernatorial candidate Ray Hunkins called the riot a “gift” to Trump’s political adversaries.

“I was hopeful the rally in Washington would be a positive event; that the Joint Session of Congress on that day would provide an opportunity to hear the President’s position regarding the ‘stolen’ election and learn about the evidence his campaign believed supported that assertion. It didn’t happen. The riot that took place at the Capitol overshadowed all else,” he wrote.

Meanwhile, former Cheney foe Rod Miller, who lost a primary battle against her in 2018, praised the congresswoman’s vote and blasted — in advance — the Wyoming Republican Party for what he thought it would say.

“I also fully expect Frank Eathorne and the radical right in the Wyoming GOP to spew their tired and acrid rhetoric her way, thumping their chests and squealing, ‘Commie, deep state, but the emails, MAGA, MAGA, MAGA'” he wrote.

The GOP statement concludes by stating that the party respects elected officials in Wyoming and “assumes they will respect and represent their constituents.”

“We are receiving the message loud and clear that what happened yesterday is a true travesty for Wyoming and the country,” the statement reads.

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