Study: Wyoming Has 47th Lowest Vaccination Rate In Country

Wyoming was ranked 47th in the entire country for its overall vaccination rates, due to its low rates among both children and adults. Wyoming had the lowest flu vaccination rates among children under 17 in the entire nation.

September 14, 20201 min read

Wyoming has some of the lowest vaccination rates in the country, according to a recent study.

Personal finance website WalletHub recently ranked all of the states and the District of Columbia for their vaccination rates. The data ranged from the share of vaccinated children and the share of people without health insurance to the presence of reported measles outbreaks.

Wyoming was ranked 47th in the entire country for its overall vaccination rates, due to its low rates among both children and adults. Wyoming had the lowest flu vaccination rates among children under 17 in the entire nation.

The state also had one of the lowest shares of teenagers with an up-to-date HPV vaccination, coming in 49th of 51 states. It ranked the same when it came to teens getting the meningococcal ACWY vaccine.

Wyoming also had the 48th lowest flu vaccination coverage rate among adults.

Mississippi came in at 51st on the ranking. Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire took the top three spots.

WalletHub did the study in light of more information being released regarding a possible coronavirus vaccine. According to a Gallup poll, 35% of Americans would not get a coronavirus vaccine, even if it were free.