Opinion: With Fear, We Failed Our Younger Generations

Karl Marx's followers are openly advocating the overthrow of America. They have convinced our young adults to forfeit their lives to that end and their number one tool is fear.

Rusty Rogers

August 28, 20204 min read

Pjimage 2020 08 30 T105646 646
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Speaking with a friend recently concerning her sons first year of college. It seems he has a fairly high level of anxiety about the COVID-19 virus. Not a surprise when you think on it. Everything the major media has been putting out for the last four months is specifically designed to instill and maintain a fairly high level of fear.

From Dr. Fauci completely reversing everything he has advised for the last 30 years and shutting down the entire nation to refusing to print honest information about treatments to printing and broadcasting total and complete lies concerning medications and the government response.

The left with the help of their media arm has done everything in their power to keep the people of this nation afraid. Especially the young adults.

Fear is a huge controller and motivator. When afraid the human animal, as with most animals, chooses fight or flight. Most, of course, choose flight. It’s the minority that choose to fight that are the most useful to the left. They are told who to blame for the fear and who they should attack.

The 18 to 24 age group has been raised to trust the government, which they associate with the major media, more than their own parents. So, when the media says they should hate every one that disagrees with the chosen ideology, they hate. When told to attack, they attack.

This might explain why although racism is the verbalized reason for the attacks and destruction, that false focus has long since vaporized. Now the rioters, the crowds, attack anything close. They are becoming more random and out of control. This is most likely the desired goal and in fact, the plan.

Of course, there is the school of thought that they are not out of control at all, I’m in that school. I believe they are not only in control but they are well controlled, and paid. The fear they create is useful.

The left has been using the fear factor as a control mechanism for at least two centuries and they keep getting better at it. Fear separates us from our friends, family and support group. It can be used to intensify isolation and the desire for security and guidance.

The followers of Marx are well versed in the methods for guiding people in the midst of such situations. They give you someone and something to follow and believe in. Even if that something is not good for you. In fact, very bad for you and your entire community.

My generation and that of our parents let down not just our children and grandchildren, but the entire world. We failed to pay attention to the people who were educating our children. We failed to hold accountable those who we elected. So bad did it get we began to forgive behavior we should never have.

Adultery, theft, treason, (selling military tech to China). We abdicated our responsibilities to others from teachers to bureaucrats. The cost of that failure is becoming very apparent.

Fear can cause us to make mistakes, to act in ways we might normally not. In Kenosha Wi. a 17-year old defending his neighborhood shoots two protestors.

Looking at the video it could go either way. He was indeed knocked down and attacked. His reaction may have been extreme, we don’t know. One of the attackers appears to have a handgun.

It doesn’t matter, what matters is why. This young man was afraid. Afraid for his life and his families. He sees his country being destroyed all over TV and feels helpless but wants to do something. The result could have been predicted.

Fear can never be allowed to control us, never. It is the most difficult thing you will ever do. Feel fear but not let it rule. When you reach that point it will be the most freeing feeling ever experienced. Freeing and strengthening.

You can achieve that by several means I guess, but I believe without God in your life it could be tough. I’m not a big fan of FDR but he said something truly profound. “The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself.” If you give into fear not only will it control you but everyone who comes along will also control you.

The Marxist founders of BLM (Black Lives Matter) should be an eye opener for everyone. Karl Marx could easily be considered the father of communism. The guiding light for Lenin and Stalin. Now his followers are openly advocating the overthrow of America. They have convinced our young adults to forfeit their lives to that end and their number one tool is fear.

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Rusty Rogers
