Douglas Family Reports UFO Sighting

A Douglas family reported seeing an unidentified flying object in April and the report was recently posted to the National UFO Reporting Center.

July 09, 20202 min read

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(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

A Douglas family reported seeing an unidentified flying object in April, according to a recent posting to the National UFO Reporting Center.

The family’s report, posted to the private organization’s website, said family members were outside of Douglas on a night in mid-April when they saw a “somewhat transparent” object in either a crescent or saucer shape possibly fly across the sky and then change direction.

Family remembers reportedly saw the UFO at various points over a 45-minute period at different elevations and spots in the sky.

“My family and I have never seen anything like that, and know how planes act at night,” the report said. “Low flying craft with no lights or sound, with very little visual indication unless you see it at the right time.”

The family believed they were seeing strange clouds at first, but realized that wasn’t the case.

No one was able to capture any photos or video of the UFO because of dark conditions.

UFO reports from Wyoming are not unheard of. In August of 2019, a Jackson woman reported she may have recorded a UFO in the skies of Teton County.

However, experts, including Richard Beckwith, Wyoming’s director of the Mutual UFO Network, said when people report seeing UFOs, they are often seeing items that are terrestrial in nature.

“All that being said, most alleged UFO sightings can be explained by things such as meteors, airplanes, birds, balloons, fireworks, drones, etc.,” Beckwith said in an email to the Cowboy State Daily. “However, a hard core of approximately 5% to 10% of UFO sightings remains unexplained. That is as true for Wyoming as it is anywhere else, perhaps even more so. People do see strange things in Wyoming, and some of them cannot be explained.”