A list of items to keep on hand for emergencies

As a major winter storm bore down on Wyoming on Tuesday, residents were reminded to be prepared for power outages and blocked roads by assembling their own two-week ready kits.

March 13, 20192 min read

(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

As a major winter storm bore down on Wyoming on Tuesday, residents were reminded to be prepared for power outages and blocked roads by assembling their own “two-week ready kits.”

The Department of Homeland Security recommends families keep the kits stocked with enough food and water for three days and sufficient supplies of other good for up to two weeks.

“We used to tell people to be ready for three days,” said Kelly Ruiz, a spokeswoman for the Department of Homeland Security. “If we have power outages, it could take longer than three days to get it fixed.”

The kits consist of:

  • Water and food to maintain your family for three days,
  • Utensils, plates, cups and a can opener,
  • Clothes (be sure to pack items to keep you warm if you have to go without heat and items that will cover your arms and legs in case you need to evacuate.)
  • Rain gear
  • Durable shoes with thick soles,
  • Sleeping bags or blankets,
  • Cash and/or travelers checks, 
  • Financial plan and documents,
  • Personal hygiene items including toilet paper, toothbrushes and toothpaste, and moist towlettes,
  • Garbage bags,
  • Plastic sheeting and duct tape for doors and windows,
  • Copies of important documents such as driver’s licemses, social security cards and insurance policies,
  • Scissors and/or a knife,
  • Maps of local area and the addresses of the closest shelters,
  • Matches in a waterproof container,
  • Additional tools such as pliers, flares and wrenches,
  • Papers, pens and pencils,
  • Flashlights,
  • A battery or crank operated radio,
  • Extra batteries,
  • First aid kit