Letter To The Editor: Who Really Wanted To Be King?

Dear editor: With regard to Mr. Costantino's letter published March 23 where he expresses concerns that "Trump wants to be king." Biden himself summed it up best in responding to a constituent: "I don't work for you."

March 23, 20251 min read

Trump biden oval 3 23 25

Dear Editor:

With regard to Mr. Costantino's letter published March 23 where he expresses concerns that "Trump wants to be king."

I would like to hear Mr. Costantino's thoughts with regard to President Biden, who provided $80 billion in aid and comfort to an enemy of the US followed by another $135 million in cash to the same enemy, who issued multiple illegal and unconstitutional executive orders, who repeatedly violated federal law, who repeatedly ignored, and admitted ignoring, multiple SCOTUS rulings against his actions, who openly colluded with social media to restrict First Amendment rights, who lied about inflation that his profligate spending created, who lied about unemployment his policies and actions created, and on and on and on.

Biden himself summed it up best in responding to a constituent: "I don't work for you."

And yet Mr. Costantino said nothing.


Mike Robinson

Ten Sleep