Cassie Craven: Don’t Get Your Medical Advice From CNN

Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “If an ultrasound were not completed prior to taking abortion pills, and a woman merely guessed at how far along she was and was wrong, the results could be devastating."

Cassie Craven

March 23, 20254 min read

Cassie craven 8 22 24

The woman was seven weeks and three days pregnant when she took her second dose of pills that would pass the embryo from inside her. The pill dissolved in her mouth around 4:30 p.m. and a few hours later, this mishap was a flush away from being a memory and not a reality. 

It was mostly painless. Just some cramping. The waiting room at the doctor’s office was the biggest inconvenience of the experience. She was ready for it to be done and out of sight, out of mind. 

But as she reached for the toilet handle, she paused. In the liquid there was a small sac, the size of a blueberry. It was mostly clear and white but it had a red dot in the middle. 

It was contracting in the toilet bowl. 

It beat for about 45 seconds. Then it stopped. 

The young woman said, “...that literally shattered me, I have never felt this way and I feel so much regret. I don’t even know how what I saw is possible and I can’t find anyone talking about this happening. I’m so confused and feel unbelievably guilty.” 

Pro-abortionists decry recent legislation in Wyoming that requires an ultrasound of “consistent quality within standard medical practice” before abortion pills are prescribed. 

Transvaginal ultrasounds are oftentimes used within the early weeks of pregnancy to hear the heartbeat, accurately age the conception date, and make sure the pregnancy is not outside of the uterus. 

Although doctors make these decisions, people who support the killing of babies have said this ultrasound constitutes rape. I dare say, the first time I heard my babies’ hearts beat, I didn’t feel like I was being raped.

A medical wand is used and placed about 2 inches within a woman’s vagina. The pressure felt is similar to the Pap smear that women undergo annually in their yearly exam. 

I’m no medical doctor, but my online research tells me that within 10 weeks of pregnancy, it is safer to administer abortion pills. After 10 weeks, your risk of complications and additional medical attention needed increases significantly. Partial abortions, hemorrhaging, and blood clots are some of the risk factors. These risks go up percentage points every week.   

If an ultrasound were not completed prior to taking abortion pills, and a woman merely guessed at how far along she was and was wrong, the results could be devastating. Also, let us not discount the mental health harm that this new law prevents. 

No woman should ever experience her baby’s heartbeat for the first time in a toilet. 

The same people who make these grotesque and misinformed arguments are the same folks who call Ivermectin a horse dewormer. Ivermectin that is being used to now treat cancer with incredible results. Ivermectin that the Nobel Committee awarded for its treatment of infectious diseases in 2015. It wasn’t made for horses, it was made for people. Let me guess? Penicillin was made for horses too...

People who call Ivermectin horse paste and say abortion doesn’t kill babies think we are stupid. Some of them benefit financially from their lies. Others parrot talking points from CNN to receive accolades at the next high-end cocktail party. 

Why aren’t these same people talking about the dangers of consuming Tylenol? How the processed foods we eat are killing us? How chemicals end up in our drinking water. These are conspiracy theories, they say. Oh are they?

The ultrasound law is not religious. It is factual. To those who are upset by it, you cannot run from the truth. Whether you listen to it or not, it is still there. 

Murder is illegal. It should be illegal. Your location does not determine your moral right to live. That sac pulsing in the toilet had its own DNA. Its pulsating beat continued outside of you, if only for a moment. 

What species is that embryo in the womb? It is human. That human should have human rights. We cannot justify the massacre of something smaller than ourselves. We should protect the most vulnerable of us. 

Some say that we aren’t leading with compassion. But if you can’t acknowledge truth, I am not your problem. You can lie to the entire world and have the entire world lie back to you, but you have the moment before you close your eyes at night when even you know you are living a farse. That is what upsets you. The truth only hurts you if you are trying to ignore it. Or in this case, kill it.

Cowboy State Daily columnist Cassie Craven is a University of Wyoming College of Law graduate who practices law in Wyoming. She can be reached at:



Cassie Craven
