Dear editor:
Is this the kind of country America voted for a few months ago?
One that embraces a murderous dictator and abandons a heroic friend?
One that has heartless billionaires enrich themselves and takes away support from struggling people in this country and around the world?
One that promises to control inflation and then puts a tariff tax that will only increase inflation and start a destructive trade war?
Trump has put tariffs on friends neighbors and allies. He hasn't put tariffs on one nation in particular. Russia.
He seems to not understand who our friends are and who our enemies are. There has to be a great deal of buyers remorse. If not now then soon.
Trump says he wants to be king. Few take him seriously. I do. He is acting the part already.
He would not hesitate to break any law or destroy any institution. And members of my own party say nothing. Pathetic. I'm counting the days for this nightmare to be over.
Paul Costantino, Rock Springs