Dear editor:
In 2000, the United States had a three year budget surplus of $490 billion dollars.
Economists at the time, predicted that if the incoming Bush-Cheney administration left revenues and expenditures constant, by 2013 the entire national debt, which was about 5 trillion dollars then, would be totally eliminated.
The Bush administration and Congress instead cut taxes, primarily for upper income Americans, drastically reducing revenues.
Then the administration and Congress started two unnecessary and costly (in terms of both lives and money) wars, in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Those missteps caused the national debt to balloon to $10 trillion dollars.
Since then, Congress (not firefighters, not health-care workers, not park rangers, not air traffic controllers) has increased the debt to about $36 trillion dollars.
And who is being fired for this so-called massive fraud and waste? Not Congress.
The people who are being scapegoated and fired, are the people who've made America, one of the safest and healthiest countries on the planet.
Bill Douglass, Casper