Dear editor:
I attended the townhall Harriet Hageman put on in Laramie and made a couple of observations. First, I spoke with a police officer who stated that a lot of the people attending were “not from around here”.
Second, most of the time, a lot of people started screaming the moment Harriet began speaking about anything, thus demonstrating that their only purpose was disruption.
Third, I was horrified that some people think it’s ok to support an organization that burned children alive and raped little girls, and then call me a Nazi. Hamas is clearly the modern version of the Nazis.
Finally, it doesn’t take any courage to scream epithets and profanity in support of terrorists while safe here in America. All those folks should be flown to Gaza so they can get a reality check about Hamas.
A war and law enforcement veteran and Wyoming native.
Elliott Arthur, Laramie