Letter To The Editor: Glacier National Park Home Is A Bureaucratic Disaster

Dear editor: This is the perfect storm of environmentalists, bureaucrats with too much time on their hands, attorneys keeping their heads down, and property owners who who should have known better or have been advised better.

March 11, 20252 min read

Glacier park CAP2 Photo exhibit as part of the ongoing lawsuit over the Mc Donald Creek home construction 3 9 25 1

Dear editor: In regard to the McDonald Creek partially constructed home in Glacier National Park:

If there was ever a textbook case of bureaucratic shuffling, territorial obstructionism, and blatant disregard for common sense, this is it.

This is the perfect storm of environmentalists, (some credible, some just long for the ride), state and federal workers with too much time on their hands, attorneys keeping their heads down waiting for the wind to blow, and property owners who, (from a very strict state no less), who should have known better or have been advised better.

If some complete overriding jurisdiction doesn't put their foot down, (being careful not to disturb a single pebble), these homeowners will most assuredly never enjoy this property.

And those minions opposing it will retire and be replaced by more dedicated environmentalists, (all of whom may have a few non-permitted skeletons lurking around their own remote cabins).

The Park should buy the unfinished home for finished market valuation, the owners should happily take that money and build elsewhere.

The park can then disassemble the home and dedicate the small parcel, a public picnic area.

The environmentalists can then go harass other locations, the multiple bureaucrats can then find something else to justify whatever they do every day, and the attorneys can raise their binoculars waiting for the next ambulance to pass by.


Pete Critelli, Red Lodge