No Sign Of Casper Mother Of Six Missing For More Than Two Months

The oldest daughter of Amy Gale Weaver, a Casper mother of six, says she’s desperate to find her mother. Weaver has been missing for more than two months. The police told Cowboy State Daily they've exhausted all of their tips and leads.

Jen Kocher

March 08, 20255 min read

Amy Gale Weaver, as she appears on a missing person alert.
Amy Gale Weaver, as she appears on a missing person alert.

Local law enforcement and the family of a missing Casper woman missing for weeks are asking the public’s help in locating her.

Amy Gale Weaver was last seen in the Casper area in early January. More than two months later, the 44-year-old mother of six hasn’t been seen by any of her family or friends, nor is she in the places she’d normally be, said Lt. Scott Jones of the Casper Police Department.

“We’ve exhausted all our tips and leads,” Jones told Cowboy State Daily. 

No foul play is expected in the disappearance of Weaver, but authorities are eager to locate her because the family is very concerned that she hasn’t been in touch, he said. 

Also, police have tracked down all the leads provided by family and interviewed several people who know her. None have any idea of where she might be.

“Any help the public can provide us would be much appreciated,” Jones said. 

Although she was last seen in early January, Weaver was reported missing Feb. 26 by her oldest daughter, Ambrosia Larramendy. 

She’s since been entered into the Wyoming Division of Criminal Investigation (DCI) missing person database as well as the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), said Jones.

Finding Her 

Larramendy told Cowboy State Daily she was relieved to hear that someone had reported seeing her mother two months ago. 

Now 25 and living in Oklahoma, Larramendy has had an off-an-on relationship with her mother over struggles with addiction that have plagued Weaver for years.

She was raised by her father in Casper, Larramendy said, and would see her mother as much as she could. She’s worried about Weaver’s safety and is in a financial position now to bring her to Oklahoma and get her the help she needs. 

“I really would like to know if she’s alive so I can bring her home with me and keep her safe,” she said. 

The trouble is finding her. 

Weaver is originally from Powell but has lived in Casper for decades. In the past, she could be found in Casper area, Glenrock as well Bar Nunn, according to her daughter. 

She last saw Weaver on a visit home to Casper in December 2023.

Because Weaver doesn’t have a steady phone or any social media accounts, Larramendy mostly kept track of her mother.

And though Weaver has disappeared for short periods in the past, Larramendy or other family has always been able to track her down up until now.

“It’s different this time,” Larramendy said. “I’m just a little worried that something’s not right. I haven’t heard anything, and no one seems to know where she’s at.”

A Daughter’s Quest

Her mother has been on her mind a lot lately following the death of a woman who Larramendy said she considered a surrogate mom.

The woman had been a staff member at the Saint Joseph’s Children’s home in Torrington, where Larramendy had been sent briefly as a teenager when she was struggling and acting out.

The two had bonded and stayed in touch long after Larramendy left the facility. 

Her death hit Larramendy hard and prompted her to try to repair bonds with her own mother, whom she’s never really had in her life.

She understands addiction is an illness, and as an adult, doesn’t hold this against her mother and just wants to find her and get her help. 

She’s recently been awarded an insurance settlement following a terrible car accident that bruised her lungs to the point where she now has asthma and is in a position to help her mother into rehab. 

Larrameny has actively been searching for her mother for several weeks. 

In her quest, Larramendy turned to social media with a post on Missing People of Wyoming asking if anyone knows her mother.

The responses were not helpful. Some reported seeing her or working with her in the past, but nobody has seen her lately. 

Big Heart

And despite her struggles, Larramendy said her mother has a really big heart.

That’s something she always hears from people who know her.

“She’s a sweetheart, and everyone seems to absolutely love my mom,” she said.

She’s hoping this quality is helping to keep her safe. Larramendy knows that given her mother’s lifestyle and past, people may judge her, but Larramendy doesn’t care.

“I promise you that one person in your family struggles with some sort of alcohol or drugs or something,” she said. “So, I don’t take that stuff to heart.”

What matters to her most is locating her mother, and she asks the public for help.

Weaver is described as being around 5 feet, 3 inches tall and 220 pounds with brown eyes and black spiral curly hair. She has an olive complexion and several identifiable tattoos such as a large skull with roses on her shoulder area as well as “Free Bird,” her favorite Lynyrd Skynyrd song, on her stomach. 

Anyone with information is asked to call the Casper Police Department at 307-235-8278 or DCI at 307-777-7181. Tipsters can also submit information anonymously to DCI on its website.

Jen Kocher can be reached at



Jen Kocher

Features, Investigative Reporter