Letter To The Editor: Have We Lost All Moral Conscience For Unalienable Rights?

Dear editor: If children are dehumanized, aborted/killed, and deemed unworthy of life, it raises a profound question about the worthiness of all of us; begs the question – who deems ‘worth’ of life?

February 25, 20253 min read

Abortion sign 3 22 23
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear editor:

The discussion surrounding abortion and the classification of life remains very contentious. Have we lost all moral conscience for unalienable rights?

A pivotal question arises: when is an individual recognized and accepted as a person? Bill HB250, which ultimately did not progress due to time constraints, was a significant legislative effort.

However, it faced opposition from pro-abortion advocates who refuse to acknowledge the developing intrauterine child as a human being or person, albeit science has given evidence to the beginning of life at conception.

This year, abortion advocates are actively opposing every pro-life bill introduced in the current legislature, which aims to protect the lives of pre-born children; (emphasizing the term "children").

Regardless of whether the abortion occurs in the first, second, or third trimester, including partial-birth abortions, the developing child is often referred to as a "fetus," a term derived from Latin, meaning baby.

They are also trying to redefine health care to include abortion, a most insidious path for the propagation of death and violence.

If children are dehumanized, aborted/killed, and deemed unworthy of life, it raises a profound question about the worthiness of all of us; begs the question – who deems ‘worth’ of life?

Reproductive rights (abortion) inherently include reproductive responsibilities (caring for children), a concept overlooked or disregarded by abortion advocates.

When speaking about women’s rights in reproduction, efforts to provide support for life choices are constantly thwarted by abortion promoters and provide an array of obstacles from disseminating false information to destruction of pregnancy outreach centers.

Having participated in many public rallies which uphold respect for life for the unborn, the vitriol extended by the opposition is extremely hypocritical while they claim certain rights.

Nowhere is it written we have the right to kill life arbitrarily and there is no self-defense cause against a baby developing in the process of life.

Choices to engage in behaviors which directly precede conception need more attention than trying to eliminate their consequential responsibilities.

Among the key pro-life bills currently proposed are:

HB42: Regulation of surgical abortions,

HB64: Chemical abortions with an ultrasound requirement,

HB159: Protecting water from chemical abortion waste,

HB250: Defining life and the rights of natural persons,

HB273: Autonomy and rights of Wyoming pregnancy centers,

SF125: Defining healthcare and safeguarding public welfare.

The journey of a fetus/baby from conception to its eventual classification and disposal is as follows:

1. Sexual intimacy occurs between a man and a woman,

2. Conception occurs,

3. Pregnancy ensues,

4. A fetus grows and develops,

5. The fetus is aborted,

6. Aborted fetus is classified as medical waste,

7. Medical waste is disposed of in standard medical trash.

The idea of designating our children as "medical waste" not only raises grave ethical/moral concerns but promotes dangerous behaviors leading to increases in death for the innocent and propagation for this teaching of violence.

Chemical abortions perpetuate more toxins shedding into our water and land; the abortion industry will deny these studies as well, and those who choose life will be burdened the cost to clean our environment.

We are called to be guardians and not destroyers of life.


Kathleen A. Skarupinski, Cheyenne