Dear editor:
A school is more than 4 walls.
How long must this nonsense go on? How long do parents, teachers and students have to scream we need help! Folks I'm here screaming Fire!
Why, because yet again our needs are being ignored. The Wyoming Senate leaders have put us in the drawer.
After our fight to have Campbell County High School (CCHS) and the Bus Barn placed back into the bill for capital construction was added and passed the house, we now have that same bill shoved into the President of the Senate's drawer.
Let me be clear, this action is clearly a statement to schools. You, the students and teachers of CCHS, are not worth our time to debate. Our children are not worth the Senate's time to debate.
After CCHS has done the Most Cost Effective Remedy (MCER) study after MCER study to prove we needed a new building, after having parents, students and faculty demanding and protesting to have us put back on the bill, we now are not worth the Senate's time to discuss if this bill should pass.
Let all who read this realize too many politicians do not care of students succeed. They don't care if our students and faculty are in a harmful building.
Remember the funds for building schools are already there. This bill helps several schools across the state be built or renovated.
Why are our legislators so opposed to using funds for the actual purpose they were intended for?
I have to ask myself if they don't want to use the funds to repair and replace schools as intended, what plans do they have for the account?
Is this the next thing that will be stolen from students? Will we suddenly see voucher/private schools accessing an account made for public government buildings?
Wyoming Senators and Representatives, why have you stopped caring about Wyoming students in need? Your actions show you are listening to out-of-state interests and private company's lobby.
I'm Loud, I'm Proud, and I'm Angry! And I will not stop fighting for the youth of Wyoming. Care to join me?
Sarah Bessette, Gillette