Dear editor:
In November 2024, Teton District Court Judge Melissa Owens ruled that abortion bans are unconstitutional in Wyoming, affirming that only a pregnant person has the right to decide whether to continue a pregnancy.
The Wyoming Constitution guarantees that every competent adult has the right to make their own healthcare decisions, without undue government interference.
Yet, despite this clear ruling, Wyoming legislators are pushing forward with new bills that undermine these rights and restrict access to essential healthcare for women.
Last week, three troubling anti-abortion bills were introduced and passed by the Wyoming House. These bills — HB 42, HB 64, and HB 159 — would impose unnecessary, burdensome restrictions on women seeking abortions, further encroaching on their rights and dignity.
House Bill 64 would require an invasive, often painful, and medically unnecessary transvaginal ultrasound before a woman could receive a prescription for a medication abortion.
In addition to the emotional and financial burden, this bill would impose a 48-hour waiting period before a woman could even obtain the medication, making it more difficult for women to access care — especially for those who would have to take time off work or arrange childcare.
House Bill 159 mandates that women collect fetal material in a “biohazard plastic bag” following a medication abortion and return it to their provider.
This bill makes no medical sense and would add further trauma to an already difficult experience. It also requires local authorities to monitor wastewater for traces of medication, a needless and invasive action that will only increase stigma and stress for women seeking care.
House Bill 42 would make it harder to access surgical abortions in Wyoming by imposing costly and burdensome remodeling requirements on the only clinic in the state that provides these services.
This could force the clinic to close, pushing women to seek out-of-state care or face even longer travel times and higher costs.
These bills represent a dangerous intrusion into personal medical decisions and set troubling precedents for the state’s involvement in healthcare.
The real consequences of restricting abortion access are clear: rising maternal mortality, higher rates of poverty, and the creation of health deserts—especially in rural areas like Wyoming.
Please contact your Wyoming State Senators to oppose these three dreadful, inappropriate bills.
Wyoming’s women and families deserve better. We deserve healthcare that is private, and accessible.
Wendy Volk, Cheyenne