• The Wyoming Legislature is performing a balancing act, weighing bills that provide substantial property tax relief while juggling how local governments and schools could continue to be funded.
• The Wyoming House passed a bill Wednesday that will bring universal school choice to Wyoming, giving parents $7,000 per child to seek private education services. The proposal moves to the Senate for consideration.
• A bill passed by a Senate committee Wednesday says people should be allowed to train their service dogs in public in Wyoming. It also calls for severe penalties for those who want allowances for their “fluffy dog” pets.
• Despite its local school district and University of Wyoming lobbying hard against it, the Senate Education Committee narrowly passed a bill Wednesday to save the UW Lab School.
• The House Labor, Health and Social Services Committee advanced a bill that will protect pregnancy centers that oppose abortion from government discrimination. Despite working for one of these facilities, state Rep. Rachel Rodriguez-Williams, R-Cody, the bill sponsor, did not recuse herself from the vote.
• The House Minerals Committee voted to delay taking any action on a bill that would create standards on the storage of used nuclear fuel in Wyoming.
• The House Appropriations Committee passed a bill banning ballot harvesting in Wyoming. The committee also passed a bill banning the use of electronic ballots in Wyoming except for handicapped people.
• The House Education Committee advanced a bill that would make elections for University of Wyoming trustees publicly elected.