Dear editor:
Hunters need to speak up against SF003!!! Splitting Mule Deer and Whitetail tags.
When the wildlife task force brought this issue up, both the Director of the Game and Fish and others employees of the Game and Fish agreed that under the current system they had all the tools they needed to effectively manage both mule deer and whitetails. Between type 3 and type 1 tags, combined with season setting they could mange both species just fine.
As a result, SF003 is truly a solution looking for a problem. If passed SF003 would actually end up creating problems.
1. SF003 would increase demand on both species. Leading to lower draw odds for both whitetail and mule deer hunters. Dedicated whitetail hunters who chase type 3 tags will see mule deer hunters crossing over to apply and vice versus for whitetail hunters shifting to mule deer. The result will be more hunters in both draws and decreased draw odds for all.
2. It will increase the pressure to harvest mule deer. Under the current setting, many people (myself and family included) use the type one/general tags to hunt for a larger mule deer passing up several bucks. We eventually “fill our freezers” with whitetails. Removing the whitetail option means that people will be more likely to fill the freezer on a lesser mule deer buck. There are many people who currently do this.
3. The bill lacks any financial notes. There is no doubt that it will carry a pretty substantial initial cost. Developing an entire new draw, creating all new hunt codes, clerical work, etc. Not to mention more work for mangers as they will be doubling the effort put into season structures and management. The only upside is eventually the Game and Fish will make that money back as we are all paying more in license cost, application fees etc.
This bill is not good for hunters and it is not good for the resource. It is being pushed by people who are only looking at money. They see the dollar signs and want a piece of that pie. Maintain our freedom of choice. If not, we will see even further pressure to harvest mule deer.
It is always better to allow the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission to make such decisions. Wildlife management and its related decision should be left to the commission and not in the hands of politicians.
In this case, the commission could easily separate the 2 by making all mule deer tags type one and all whitetail tags type 3. They could have done this at any point if it was necessary.
Please contact your legislative reps on this matter.
Robert W Winn, Lander