Guest Column: A Tale Of Two Funerals

Guest columnist Ray Hunkins writes, "So far this winter there have been two funerals of people who had an impact on my life, Jimmy Carter and Jack Finnerty. I attended their funerals, one in person and the other, virtually."

CSD Staff

January 23, 20255 min read

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It seems to me that winter is the season for funerals.

Folks who die of natural causes seem to say “goodbye” when the days are short, the darkness long and the weather disagreeable. Coming on to 86 years, one thinks about such things.

So far this winter there have been two funerals of people who had an impact on my life, Jimmy Carter and Jack Finnerty. I attended their funerals, one in person and the other, “virtually."

Jimmy Carter, 39th president of the United States (1977-1981) died on, Dec. 29, at his home in Plains, Georgia. He was 100, the longest-lived president in history.  

Coincidentally, that is the second decade of my family’s life in Wheatland, our home town, and also where my good friend and partner of many years, Jack Finnerty, was honored in death.

Because Carter’s was a “state funeral," there was much pomp and circumstance, inspiring to watch. 

All five living presidents were there. Eulogies were given by a number of people.

Most memorable was from the 38th President, Gerald Ford, who had lost a close election to Carter. Ford had died in December of 2006 and the eulogy he prepared for Carter’s funeral was read by Steve Ford, his son.

Steve described the pact Carter and Ford made to eulogize each other at their respective funerals:

“In the twilight of my dad’s life, he and President Carter spoke by phone, and dad asked President Carter if he would do a eulogy at dad’s funeral, President Carter graciously agreed, and then he also asked if dad would deliver a eulogy at President Carter’s funeral. That pact was the source of chuckles by both men as they speculated on who would deliver which eulogy in person.

President Carter had the honor at President Ford’s funeral in Grand Rapids, Michigan on January 2, 2007 and described his relationship with President Ford:

One of my proudest moments was at the commemoration of the 200th birthday of the White House, when two noted historians both declared that the Ford-Carter friendship was the most intensely personal between any two presidents in history.

Carter closed by saying:

I still don't know any better way to express it than the words I used almost exactly 30 years ago. ‘For myself and for our nation, I want to thank my predecessor for all he did to heal our land’.

And, Gerald Ford, speaking as if from the grave, concluded his eloquent thoughts with these words: I’m looking forward to our reunion. We have much to catch up on. Thank you, Mr. President. Welcome home, old friend.

For me, the term, “The Carter years” has mostly a negative connotation. What comes to mind are long lines at the filling station, sky-high interest rates, hostages in Tehran, failed rescue missions, gifting the Panama Canal, fireside chats with a cardigan and plea to “turn down the thermostat," and the list goes on.

By most measures, Carter’s presidency failed.  The notable exception was a remarkable achievement, a successful diplomatic effort in bringing about the Camp David Accords resulting in peace between Israel and Egypt.

For all his policy failures as president, there was much to admire about Jimmy Carter, the man. Honest, impeccable integrity, faith driven, humble, humanitarian, were all accurate descriptors for the peanut farmer from Plains.

Seventeen hundred miles west of Washington DC, a son of Wyoming and grandson of Ireland, legendary Wyoming Cowboy Hall-of-Fame member Jack Finnerty, was celebrated at a funeral mass in the Wheatland High School Gymnasium on December 28, 2024.

Jack’s funeral was both different and similar to President Carter’s. Gorman Funeral Homes organized an efficient and respectful celebration.

Gorman estimated there were 700 people in attendance which included, in addition to Jack’s two sons, Matt and Dean, a host of Finnerty family from Wyoming and elsewhere, many of Jack’s rodeo and ag friends, and colleagues from various REA affiliated organizations, and of course, the Wheatland community.

Liturgy was celebrated by Father Nguyen of St. Patrick’s. An excellent eulogy was given by Rex Johnson, a Wheatland Lawyer and friend, who recounted Jack’s many accomplishments. After the funeral, a reception and buffet lunch were held at the Platte County Fairgrounds’ “Agriplex”.

Jack was laid to rest at the Wheatland Cemetery, fittingly between two pioneer Wyoming stockmen.

President Carter and Jack Finnerty were very different people but they shared many traits.

First and foremost, they were men of principle; they were known for their honesty and integrity They were men of faith and they were also men who never lost touch with their agricultural roots.

Kevin Meyer who worked for Jack and me on the Thunderhead, wrote a poem for the funeral program and it is reprinted below.

Long after the dust settled in the arena

And the cheers of the crowd are but an echo on the wind

When all but the wildest rides are forgotten

And the inevitable journey into the annals of the past begin

The soul of the man never fades into obscurity

Nor do the laughs or love or legacies held within

Priceless memories and cherished moments

Impossible to tarnish, to be held close until we see him again

Ray Hunkins can be reached at:











CSD Staff
