Letter To The Editor: Be Careful What You Vote For; You Just Might Get It!

Dear editor: Now that the dust has settled on the 2024 presidential election, I look forward to our neighbor to the south casting their 10 electoral college votes for Donald J. Trump

November 27, 20243 min read

Mix Collage 27 Nov 2024 03 43 PM 4572

Dear editor:

Now that the dust has settled on the 2024 presidential election, I look forward to our neighbor to the south, as a card-carrying member of the National Popular Vote Compact (where a State pledges their electoral college votes based on the result of the national popular vote and not on the voting result in their own state) casting their 10 electoral college votes for Donald J. Trump on December 17, 2024 (aka. the blue state cabal).

But wait, before you, 76% of Wyomingites who supported Trump get too excited, there is a catch. There is always a catch!

The chance of Colorado implementing the cabal this election cycle is zero. The laws passed in Colorado, 16 other states, and D.C. (totaling 209 electoral college votes), that currently make up the cabal, do not become effective until the cabal has suckered in enough states to have 270, or more, electoral college votes.

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that the National Popular Vote Compact is a “wolf in sheep clothing” scheme by the left designed to circumvent and effectively eliminate one of our nation’s founding principles.

Why any state, small or large, would voluntarily give up a portion of their sovereignty to such a scheme without a constitutional amendment is not a mystery.

Constitutional amendments are intentionally difficult to pass, as they should be, and today’s blue states simply still cannot accept Trump - Clinton (2016) and Bush - Gore (2000) where the electoral college winner did not win the national popular vote. So, I ask who is the real threat to our nation’s form of democracy (a republic of states)?

Colorado is a unique cabal member. To my knowledge they are the only state to pass the National Popular Vote Compact by a vote of the people, in 2020. But only after enough clear minded Colorado citizens demanded such a vote, since the bill had already been passed by the Colorado legislature and signed into law by Gov. Polis in 2019.

To the Coloradoans tasked with the responsibility of casting Colorado’s 2024 electoral college votes, here is your chance to lead by example, follow your citizen’s convictions, and help unify the nation by casting Colorado’s 10 electoral college votes for Trump next month. After all, the citizens of Colorado have spoken, and it is their will.

I, for one, will not be holding my breath. In case you are wondering, if not for the catch, the cabal’s scheme would have yielded 520 and 18 (VA 13, NH 4, and NE 1) electoral college votes for Trump and Harris, respectively (versus the actual result of 312 for Trump and 226 for Harris). Not what the cabal envisioned when they hatched their scheme. Wow, that would be a truly united landslide! To learn more visit: www.nationalpopularvote.com

David W. Smith

Buffalo, WY