Letter To The Editor: Planned Parenthood, Kamala Harris, Hillary Clinton And Adolph Hitler

Dear editor: How ironic that Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton are claiming that Donald Trump is the second coming of Adolph Hitler?

October 27, 20242 min read

Hillary trump 10 27 24

Dear editor:

How ironic that Kamala Harris and Hillary Clinton are claiming that Donald Trump is the second coming of Adolph Hitler?

Both Harris and Clinton are big-supporters of Planned Parenthood; the giant abortion machine that has killed tens of millions of babies in the United States alone.

Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, a racist and founder of the eugenics movement, was an inspiration to Adolph Hitler.

Sanger and her colleagues believed that minorities and the disabled were “unfit” for life and “sub-human.” They needed to be eliminated through “birth control”; the term Sanger used at the time for abortion.

What she promoted was the destruction of unborn babies especially among the poor who she claimed were a detriment to creating a perfect society.

Hitler studied the writings of Sanger and her friends and used them to develop his concept for the creation of a “super race.” The results were the catastrophe of World War II and the holocaust.

When Kamala Harris was attorney general of California, she prosecuted journalists who exposed the illegal sale of baby parts of murdered children in late term abortions perpetrated by Planned Parenthood.

Her election to the presidency of our nation will result in the destruction of a large part of our next generation, especially among minorities and the disabled.


Ross Schriftman
