Cassie Craven:  Our Citizens Killing Themselves Is Worth The ‘Uprising’

Columnist Cassie Craven writes, “Reading Susan Stubson’s column reminded me of a recent JD Vance interview, in which he said candidly, ‘Do you hear yourself Martha?’ We rank third in the nation for suicide – but that is not worthy of an ‘uprising’?”

Cassie Craven

October 27, 20244 min read

Cassie craven 8 22 24
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

What happened to us is we all got tired of your shit.

My immediate response rang through my head as I read Susan Stubson’s column titled, “I door knocked for normal Republicans in my home state. Wyoming, what happened to you?”

No offense to Susan: I didn’t know who she was. Some Googling quickly oriented me to know this wasn’t the first time she sought national media coverage on the supposed downfall of her home state. Last time, attacking Christianity in the mix.

I know you claim to be Republican, but as my Grandma used to say – “Let me tell you somethin’.” Most people in Wyoming don’t catch horses for a living. Wake up.

People should be able to afford their grocery bills. People should not be drowning in licensing, fees, and taxes from their state and local government while they can’t afford a package of bacon or basics for their kids.

People don’t want boys in girls’ bathrooms. People want to be free, safe and prosperous. Wyoming, you’ve delivered for your friends but not for your common man.

We care about fentanyl overdoses and property taxes, not your next green new deal with your buddies in the private sector.

We are bloated and regulatory. The red tape, taxes and fees to the common small business owner are oppressive. Then mix in a federal regime that adds more insult.

Yet we use precious state dollars for waste, like propping up the particularly bloated leisure and hospitality industry, the state’s second-largest employer in 2020 at 11.9%, about 35,319 personnel.

The first largest employer is (no surprise) the government, which routinely runs about 10% above the national average.

But I digress, the troubling part of the column for me was here: “We are not without problems, however. Wyoming’s energy economy is making a thorny pivot to renewables. We face a mental health crisis, ranking third in the nation for suicide. There is an exodus of young people. Tricky issues, yes, but hardly the seeds of an uprising.”


What an interesting word.

Reading Susan’s column reminded me of a recent JD Vance interview, in which he said candidly, “Do you hear yourself Martha?”

Let me get this straight – our population is in a mental health crisis and we rank third in the nation for suicide – but that is not worthy of an uprising?

This woman does not see. The same as the incumbents who were defeated in the Wyoming Legislature did not see. Wyomingites care about these things because they are living these things.

Susan should put on a pair of headphones and turn up Rich Men North of Richmond by Oliver Anthony. 

Susan points to our lack of traffic jams. We are living the good life. Shut up, be quiet and vote for who they tell you at the church potluck. If you refuse – must’ve been those dirty mailers.

She points to Laura Pearson defeating Sommers, a former Speaker of the state House.

The mailers and out of state money, she laments! What she didn’t say, is that Laura is a long-time citizen who was involved and provided testimony and opinion to the Legislature on many conservative causes, ranging from parental rights to governmental control.

She voiced concern about the things that people in her district care about. The constituents wanted a change. The bolo tie expired the adoring welcome it once received.  

Remember when Hillary Clinton called us all deplorables? In toe with the Liz Cheney Republicans batting for the other team, Susan’s column said – “This is how the rabid win.”

Stay rabid, people, if it means knowing what matters.  

Cassie Craven can be reached at:



Cassie Craven
