Letter To The Editor: A Vote For Harris/Walz Is A Vote Against America

Dear editor: Our local House and Senate Democrat candidates agree with Biden/Harris and Harris/Walz, thus to vote local Democrats into our legislature and to continue nationally with a Harris/Walz administration is delusional at best and extremely dangerous at worst.

October 25, 20242 min read

Harris walz 10 25 24
(Cowboy State Daily Staff)

Dear editor:

Voting for Harris/Walz, or even Wyoming Democrats into our legislature?

Consider the following factors: Trans-National gangs are taking over parts of San Antonio, TX, Aurora, CO, and New York City.

Estimates are 8-10 million foreign migrants are here, having fled culturally troubled homelands. Granted, many just want to work hard and thrive in our culture of orderly free-market job opportunities.

Biden/Harris opened the gates to the overwhelming, unauthorized flood of socialist expectations, disregard for law & order, exploitation of men/women/children, gang violence and massive crime waves in our Democrat cities.

Wyoming Democrats, do you think that by being a Democrat, the criminal elements will give you a pass from assault, robbery or any type of violence or that Harris/Walz will come to your rescue? They won’t. 

Biden/Harris raised your cost-of-living, an average of 20% across the board; raised your gas prices at the outset of the administration, starting at $2.40/gallon, peaking at $5.06/gallon, now averaging $3.40/gallon.

Biden/Harris raised the inflation rate, peaking at 9.1% (June 2022) from Trump’s 1.9%, currently at 2.4%, but prices are still 21.4% higher since CV-19.

Biden/Harris and Harris/Walz believe school boards should be in control of students, not the parents; men-can-become-women and women-can-become-men; that abortion (murder) and transgenderism (child mutilation) are healthcare, voter ID’s are racist, restrict minorities from voting and are unnecessary (CA – SB1174); that the crime solution is to defund police and release criminals back into society; that the 1st and 2nd amendments should be controlled/monitored and/or eliminated.

Biden/Harris policies have increased the social/political strife in American society, they haven’t solved any of these problems. 

Biden/Harris has caused/exacerbated a majority of our current problems, and now Harris/Walz is going to solve them?

Why is Biden/Harris not fixing these problems now, instead of later?

Why have they not fixed them already?

Our local House and Senate Democrat candidates agree with Biden/Harris and Harris/Walz, thus to vote local Democrats into our Legislature and to continue nationally with a Harris/Walz administration is delusional at best and extremely dangerous at worst.

With this in mind, consider your vote carefully.


S. Michael Melia
